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DCB's MindSet and HabitSet Tools


Updated: Mar 14, 2024

Being the best and average have nothing in common. To go beyond your average self and unlock your fullest potential, you must take control of your habits and cultivate a strong mindset. Darren CdeBaca is here to share five MindSet tools and five HabitSet tools that will guide you in achieving your biggest growth goals in your personal and corporate lives.


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DCB's MindSet and HabitSet Tools

I'm excited about this discussion, which is titled DCB's Mindset and Habitset Tools. Before I start, let me share with you a phrase that best defines our work at DCB Strategies. It captures the results of those achieving goals with a plan of accountability, purpose, and persistence, whether in the professional, personal, or athletic world. It applies in many ways.

Are you ready for the phrase? Here we go. Being the best, on average, have nothing in common. Listen to Say that and repeat it to yourself once. How does that resonate? It's like drawing a line in the sand and asking yourself, “What side am I on, the best or the average?” At DCB Strategies, we're not here to judge, but we're here to share with you how the best way to think and act. This topic is thinking and acting. The best mindset is thinking, and the habitset is acting. Those are the tools that will lead you to your best results. Being the best, on average, have nothing in common, and the best have phenomenally strong mindset tools and impenetrable habitset tools.

MindSet and HabitSet

Let's take a moment to properly clarify the definitions of both mindset and habitset as we use them here at DCB Strategies. Mindset is a proven set of practices within your mind that determines how you will think and/or respond to your opportunities for growth and to set a proven practice within your mind that determines how you will think and/or respond to your opportunities for growth. Habitset is a set of actions you adopt and practice, thus leading you to your intended results, which are those big goals and achievements.

This discussion is a result of coaching many clients, who are made up of individuals and teams, and sharing with them the mindset tools that are required to achieve their growth goals. The bottom line is if these are utilized properly and consistently in conjunction with the DCB habitset tools, the achievement ratios for their bold growth goals go sky-high, and they experience incredible success.

I've witnessed it countless times with clients buying into these mindset and habitset tools. They can't believe these haven't been revealed in the past somewhere along their corporate career, personal scenario, or any type of profession and not shown them the map of great mindset tools, which sets the stage to create new habit set tools and leads to your big results.

This is a great topic. Pardon my passion upfront, but this is an energizing sequence of information that I'm about to share with you. Let's get right into it since I have a ton of great tools, not a ton, but the ten big tools, five for mindset and five for habitset, to share with you. Keep in mind that if you are unable to take notes because I'm going to go through these somewhat rapidly, email me specifically for the tools at They're here for you. You'll find a contact page, and you can email me through that. We'll get to work on getting you the right tools. Make sure they follow what you're about to read.

Let's get right into it and share with you the big five mindset tools. Number one, decide. The number two tool is commit. The number three tool is energize yourself with positive self-talk. The number four tool is exercise the power of present focus on all your big growth goals and achievements. Number five, exercise the thinking of lift or drop. Let's get into it, and I explain it a little bit.


Let's talk about the number one tool, decide, which is the first part of decide, commit, and become. There are three elements in decide. The number one element is that we have to occupy our brains with a growth mindset. The number two element of decide is to have a strong purpose, not a need but a genuinely strong purpose. It's meaningful to you and energizes you through thick and thin. The purpose is key.

Decide  Commit  Become | MindSet and HabitSet
MindSet and HabitSet: Occupy your brain in a growth mindset for growth to start happening.

The number three element of decide is to have a present focus, not a future focus like I will. I'm going to schedule. I'm going to put that on my calendar. I'm going to give them a call down the road. I'm planning for the future. That's the future focus. The majority of it is a crutch putting things in the future focus when it comes to achieving bold goals.

Past focus, I've always done it this way. I should have, could have, would have. Present focus, I am putting my plan into play. I am putting strategies together to accomplish my goals. I am exercising my daily actions. I am persistent all the time. I am nothing but successful in achieving my goal. I am exuding positive energy towards my goal. Being in present focus is I am. Not future-focused is I will. Not past focus is I did, and I will somewhat crutches. I am accountable. The three elements of decide are to have a growth mindset, understand and absorb yourself and your purpose. Number three, walk and think like you're in the present focus.


The number two tool of mindset is commit. The three elements of commit are you have to have a strategy to achieve your goal. The second element of commit is you have to take action to fulfill your strategy. The third element of commit is you have to have persistence to make sure that you stay on your daily actions to fulfill your strategies. Do you see how that process works?

Positive Self-Talk

If you memorize this in your brain and you know that you can't achieve your goal without a strategy, actions, and persistence, you're going to set yourself up to fill in the blanks and move forward. That's the number two tool of mindset. The number three tool of mindset is energize yourself with positive self-talk. Let me ask you a question. Who do you talk to the most during the day? It's yourself. What we feed ourselves within the way we think and talk to ourselves is what we become. Feed yourself with positive self-talk.

Present Focus

Number four is the power of present focus. Walk in, present focus, as I mentioned to you earlier. It’s not about future focus, past focus, or present focus. I am. Number five, LIFT or DROP. These are acronyms. LIFT is for Life Is For Transformation. DROP stands for Default Response Over Progress. LIFT is the deliberate way of thinking, which is progress in the part of your brain. DROP is the default way of thinking, which is the comfort zone of your brain.

Goals aren't achieved in comfort zones. Goals are achieved in the deliberate zone, way of thinking, and progress. We don't get things done in our comfort zone. The comfort zone is important for us to be safe, comfortable, and unplug, but it's not something you exercise to progress and move forward. Get out of your comfort zone and move to the opportunities you cherish.

Goals are not achieved in comfort zones but in deliberate zones of thinking.

Those are the five big tools about mindset, decide three elements. Growth mindset, purpose, present focus, commit, strategy, actions, and persistence. Let me clarify that briefly. The goal is Mount Everest. The strategy is ten base camps over ten days. The daily actions are eight hours of hiking to one base camp per day with two hours of oxygen and nutrition. That's the actions. Persistence is the persistence trigger that sits on your shoulder and reminds you that this is the most important journey that you are going on in a crush. That's the persistence factor that gets you back in the game when you're tired. Those are the three main elements of commit.

Energize yourself with positive self-talk. That positive self-talk can be elements of attributes that are important such as, “I am willing to do the work necessary. I am perceptive and self-aware. I am not afraid of rejection. I seek out other inspired people.” Those are great attributes. That's a way to positive self-talk. I'm highly disciplined, but when it comes to skills about positive self-talk, I'm organized and disciplined. I do what is most important and valuable all the time. I bring order to chaos and confusion. I build from people's deepest strengths.


These are positive self-talk, not negative self-talk. You can find your own phrase that makes it work for you, not negative but positive. The power present focus I am. The trick here is to make sure that you put everything I am in the present tense. Put everything in the present focus. It's a great challenge and exercise. You'll get the a-ha moment. It turns on a part of your brain. It's called a reticular part of the brain and allows you to put on the awareness factor of I am. Your brain goes, “Okay, you are. Let's go. Let's get to work.” LIFT or DROP, working the deliberate side of the brain versus the default side of the brain. Deliberateness for progress, default is a comfort zone.

As you utilize and practice those big five mindset tools, you'll also notice a valuable accountability attribute developed along the way. By truly memorizing and utilizing these five, you will immediately be able to identify what one or more are missing if you are unable to initiate your growth goal journey. If you can't initiate your growth goal journey and get it off the ground because your mindset tools are not working, you know where to go and examine which ones you need to fill the void on. There are five big tools. You have three in each in the top two. You have the self-talk, the I am focus, and the LIFT or DROP. You can go in and say, “Where am I void?” Fill in the void, and get back to work.

Growth goal actions cannot take place without the correct mindset tools. These are tools that you can go back and review and say, “Which am I not exercising? Thus, what is the reason I need to fill that void, get back to exercise, complete it, and get those back in play?” That's why I say it's important to memorize these tools, phrases and your self-talk scenario. You get in play and make sure that you know that when you're in the comfort zone, you want to be on the deliberate side of your way of thinking versus the default zone. You catch yourself. These are powerful mindset tools.

It's time to get involved in the habitset tools because if you have great and strong thinking, and you know that you have all the tools in play in your mindset tools, you're ready to create new actions and habitset tools that are actions to stay on the process with your growth goals and bold achievements. As humans, habits are the hardest to change. That's the biggest obstacle for folks to achieve goals.

As humans, habits are the hardest to change. But if you want to achieve your goals, you must get past this obstacle.

If they want to achieve new results, you got to have new habits. If you want to have new habits, you have to be open-minded to create a new habitset, but you have to memorize these habits and set tools. You can always go back in and see where the void is, not conquering and making sure that your habits are growing towards your goals.

Let's examine and go through the big five habitset tools. The number one habitset tool is set and organize your priorities. Number two, find simple ways to rise above the average or, as we call it, DCB Strategies level playing field. Rise above the level playing field. Number three, DDE, Designate, Dedicate, Elevate. Number four, RRR, the power of the three Rs, Reassess, Restate, Reactivate. For salespeople who are reading, the number five tool is the six gems of closing a sale. It’s a phenomenal habitset tool for closing sales.

Set And Organize Priorities

Let's go back and visit the number one tool, which is set and organize your priorities. There are two main priorities. Here's an example. Don't prioritize your schedule. Schedule your priorities. There’s a big difference. There are two types of priorities. It’s must-haves and should-haves. Must haves are defined as initiatives that are crucial to the success of the goal. These are usually non-negotiable priorities. You know where they are when you look at them. The should-have priorities are those that can add value, but I'd also suggest those are the second set of priorities after the first set is accomplished.

I have a list of the eight priorities that the best performers have in common. I did a ton of research on athletes, corporate people, and community folks. They came down to eight major common priorities that they had in common. Let me go through these. You could write them down. Some of them will be an a-ha moment for you.

In any specific order, their health is the number one priority. Number two, they provide for their family. Number three, they have a clarity of direction in every plan or process they're going through and so forth. Number four, they constantly practice self-confidence and mental growth. Number five, they have active precision-based business models. Number six, they research and adopt educational uplifts to make themselves better all the time. They practice this designation, dedication and elevation all the time. They're finding ways to dedicate themselves to their craft. They know how to schedule priorities. It seems like the duh factor, but they know how to schedule the priorities. Those are the eight common priorities that we have in common.

Rise Above The Level Playing Field

When you take a look at the number one tool for habitset, set and organize your priorities, and make sure you have your must-haves and should-haves organized. Number two, rise above the level playing field. What does that mean? At DCB strategies, we have three things to think about. These are the three pre-starts to your day, three ways to educate and three musts for client connection.

These are the ways to rise above the average. The pre-starts are ready your mindset for your day, show gratitude to people around you, workers around you, and family members, send thank you notes, and give them a thank you text or an email once a day, at least a couple a day instead, unplug times for yourself to chill out, reset yourself. Those are the three pre-starts that rise above a level playing field. It gets you thinking, acting in a grateful way and giving yourself energy and unplugged times.

Decide  Commit  Become | MindSet and HabitSet
MindSet and HabitSet: At least once a day, unplug yourself and spend some time to chill out and reset.

The second set of three ways to rise above the level playing field is to understand people's visual, vocal, or keen aesthetic, which is feeling. When you have an opportunity to encompass somebody's trust in a proposition, and presentation, it's vital that you understand whether they're visual, vocal or kinesthetic, which is about feeling. Listen for the clues. I hear what you're saying. I see what's important. This feels great. Get involved in that same talk. It’s rising above the level playing field to encounter trust in the conversation much faster than the average.

The third element of rising above the level playing field is understanding how people want to communicate, whether they want a phone call, text, email, or follow-up. How do we engage people? It means providing, supporting, recognizing, encouraging, and engaging them or how to add value, which is teaching them something that's important for their growth and something they're interested in.

DDE Mode

It’s straightforward, but if you memorize those, you have it nailed down. That's the second major tool of the habitset. The third major tool you briefly touched on is designate, dedicate, and elevate. It's a habit of knowing and understanding your designation of where you are by license, profession, and leadership, but you're dedicated to making it yourself at the best of your craft. Because you are dedicated and have made yourself better, you're able to elevate to more courageous elements of audiences, propositions, plans, goals, and sales.

Three R's

Always be in the DDE mode. I'm designated, dedicated and elevating. That's the third habit set. The fourth habit set tool is the power of three Rs. For example, every fourth Thursday of the month, reassess what you've done during the month in your business and personal. Restate what you want to do better and reactivate the following Monday. Reassess, restate, and reactivate are the three Rs. These are great habitset tools. These are bulletproof when it comes to making sure you stay on track.

Six Gems Of Closing The Sale

The fifth habitset tool for salespeople is memorizing and learning the sixth gems of closing the sale. The number one gem is adjust is a must, which we talked about rising above the level playing field. It's understanding if people are visual, vocal or about feeling. Once you understand that when you're talking to somebody and you're selling involved in the sales process, you adjust and adapt to them in how they talk, see things or feel things.

The number two gem is understanding when to listen or learn. Some people want to be listened to more often than they want to be talked to. Some people want to be talked to more than they want to be listened to. Thus, listen or learn. Number three is perfect the craft of open-ended questions to encounter upon strong and important conversations, sales, and presentations to individuals and groups. Have a great set of genuine open-ended questions to start the dialogue. The fourth gem of closing the sale is you've got to have your unforgettable storyboard.

Decide  Commit  Become | MindSet and HabitSet
MindSet and HabitSet: Understand when to listen or learn. Some people want to be listened to more than talked to.

These are five elements. The five bullet points of an unforgettable storyboard have an open-ended introduction. Have a concept word to start the conversation and make sure it extends itself. Understand the pearls of what you're talking about, asset class or product and what you bring to the table that enhances those pearls. Ask for a commitment. What you're doing by doing it this way, unforgettable storyboard, is you're educating to obligate.

The number five gem of closing the sale is always providing attributes of urgency. The time is now. The sixth gem of closing a sale is to have your sample of closing questions available and ready to go. For example, how do you usually take on an initial position in an attractive investment like this? That's a closing question. The six gems of closing the sale are vital in terms of a habit set for a salesperson.

We went over the five big habitset tools. Number one is to set and organize your priorities. Number two, rise above the level playing field. Number three is DDE, which is Designate, Dedicate, and Elevate. Number four, the power of the three Rs, Reassess, Restate, Reactivate. Number five, the six gems of closing the sale.

These are the big five mindset tools and the big five habitset tools. You cannot give focus to the habits tools unless you are squared up and dialed in on your five big mindset tools, which are decide, commit, energize a self-positive talk, power of the present focus I am, and be in the deliberate zone with LIFT and avoid the DROP zone, which is default zone when you want to progress towards a goal.

Closing Words

Those are the mindset tools and the habitset tools we went over. That was energetic to review. I would encourage you to grab hold of this material, memorize the five mindset tools, and see where you are and how you can incorporate them into your daily active work relative to your growth goals. Once you get those memorized and you're accountable for them, get in and practice, adopt the habitset tools, and leverage yourself to get the results you want. Thus, the results set.

As we believe at DCB Strategies, and we've seen for countless years, those who exercise the mindset tools and the habitset tools get the results they have dreamed about. We don't want to let those dreams go away. There's a ton of great information here. Please visit my website or email me for printed elements of these tools if you would like.

I hope you enjoyed this topic. It's energetic and thought-provoking. They're tools that are bulletproof. We've proved them at DCB Strategies. Clients have utilized them and continue to utilize them in their introduction features. These are exciting for those who've never read about them, which are the majority of people out there. It is filled with great information. I hope you enjoy your results as you practice and incorporate these. Review it, digest it, incorporate it, and grow with it.

In a growth mindset, challenges and goals are exciting rather than threatening.

Let me leave you with a quote regarding the mindset. It’s a powerful quote. It’s like, “In a growth mindset, challenges and goals are exciting rather than threatening.” Rather than thinking, “I'm going to reveal my weaknesses.” You say, “Here's a chance to grow. I've got my mindset tools and habitset tools.” Feel free to visit me at or email me at Thank you for taking the time to take notes, for the thoughts that you've put into this discussion, and for how they apply to you on a daily basis. As we say here at DCB Strategies, “Stay healthy and passionate.” Thank you for your time.

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