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Decide Commit Become


Updated: Jul 6, 2022

Hi there and welcome to the only Decide Commit Become podcast in the country. I’m Darren Cde Baca, your passionate coach and dedicated host. Let’s try a short little exercise. Clear your mind. Think of a goal, it could be business-related or personal. Now, how will you achieve that goal? Being dead set on a goal can be tiring, so much so that you might even give up on it. Fear no more because I am here to help you accomplish that goal. Stay awhile and learn the true meaning behind Decide, Commit, and Become.


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Decide Commit Become

Welcome to the Decide Commit Become show. I’m Darren Cde Baca, your passionate and dedicated host. This is exciting for me to share with you the heartbeat of DCB Strategies, thus the trifecta of optimizing your personal and professional growth. Don't be afraid to take notes. If you don't have an opportunity to take notes because you are on a walk, in a car or on your couch chilling out and I have the privilege of you reading, you can always read this and go back to some of those meaningful thoughts, suggestions and implement them in your day as you see fit. I am convinced after you have the opportunity to read that this trifecta platform of Decide Commit Become will allow you to easily bring it into your daily habits as you not only see fit but desire to see fit. The difference between needs, wants and desires are large. DCB Strategies isn’t about achieving needs and achieving wants, but it's about desires, bold goals, personal growth and professional growth.

I want to say hi to all my friends in the financial industry, college, high school and all the people who I have been around, learning from and gobbling up all kinds of great knowledge to allow myself to share this through DCB Strategies over the years as a coach. I am a coach for personal and professional growth goals. It's so exciting to be involved, as a coach to rewire the mind and the heart versus re-content with another CD manual or a manual in itself without the directive of accountability, personal investment and talking about your mindset and so forth. Here is the deal. When you complete this show, you are going to be designated. In the next minutes of reading this, you are going to earn a designation to the Decide Commit Become platform.

I want to share a phrase with you that DCB Strategies and all the podcasts before and after this are built around. Here it is, “Being the best and average have nothing in common.” Say that and repeat that to yourself one time. How does that resonate? If you look at professional industries, elite teams, financial advisors, private wealth teams, athletes, non-profits, families and you see the elite performers, you know for a fact that the best have nothing in common with the average.

We are all humans. There is always a dividing point and the division occurs when the mindset occurs. We are going to get into that with Decide Commit and Become. Witnessing these top performers in their different spaces over the decades, I quickly witnessed that the best in their categories have a significant advantage over the average, which again is defined by their decisive mindset, not just the content of how to do something, which is widely available on Google.

Re-contenting, as I call it. These elite performing attributes to achieve goals on a monthly, daily, quarterly and annual timeframe are clear results of these individuals’ or teams’ relentless mental process or formula and dedication to the inner culture or their team culture that, “I am accomplishing, achieving and completing this no matter what.” When you say no matter what, you intuitively minimize insignificant daily distractions. The priorities come into play to have a state of mind, a purpose, a present focus and to get onto your action steps to create new habits no matter what.

DCB 1 | End Goals
End Goals: Being the best and average have nothing in common.

As I touched on DCB Strategies and the Decide Commit Become trifecta, it's not about sharing another content manually but it's about rewiring our mind map, a formula, which gives us a process that intuitively unleashes those required new habits for your highly desired or earned results. When you want to do something better, you can't do it like you used to because that only gets you to where you are. We need to integrate new habits to get new results.

Keep in mind that those content manuals and motivational CD packets do work well, but you have to make sure that you have accountability and a precision syncing going on to incorporate the prescribed directions without distractions because real life does have its way daily, weekly, monthly and the important distractions are there. We need to take notice of those and take care of them. Nowadays, the world provides a tremendous amount of what I call minimizing distractions. They minimize the importance or the value of our day because of all the social distractions more so than ever. Let me ask you a question as an interested colleague of yours about optimizing your professional or personal growth. Who currently holds you accountable to retain your initial motivation, constant motivation, discipline and cadence towards achieving your goals? Who's that person? Who are those people? Is it you?

Keep in mind the person you talk the most to every day is yourself, so you better have a formula that allows you to talk to yourself or a program that you buy into in yourself and you can be fully accountable. This is why the Decide Commit Become platform was initiated for us to have a process to minimize the low priority distractions and stay on track to what I call the result which is getting in the habit of having a high achievement ratio. If you have three goals in the next three months and you achieve two of them, that's pretty good. If you have five goals in the next six months and you achieve four of them, that’s a high achievement ratio. If you achieve 1, 0 or 2, it's a low achievement ratio but you achieve something, don't get me wrong. We want to achieve and grow. It's up to you how you measure yourself.

I always think of it as an achievement ratio because people are full of goals. Personal, professional, sports, faith, etc. Let's dive right into the proven platform of Decide Commit Become. In fact, when you complete this show, as I mentioned, you are going to be designated to utilize this, then you are going to have to be dedicated. That will fall on your lap unless you get in touch with me and we can chat more on the side but that is not the purpose of this show. I'm giving you the roadmap. I would love you to integrate it, become accountable to it and let it work for you and with you.

Quick background and how I initiated Decide Commit Become. The fun part is my initials are DCB, Darren Cde Baca. One of my mentors said, “Your decision is never committed on unless it's acted on.” That stuck with me for years and I saw that was Decide, Commit and then Act as DCA. You already noticed what I did. I made it DCB because once you decide and commit and you make that an action, you become. We are going to have a formula here of Decide, Commit and Become, which is the result.

If you want to know more about this, get into the other side or outskirts of how this has developed, and what it applies to, you can go to my website You will see all of the applications of Decide Commit Become and many different formats of achieving or optimizing professional and personal growth. A question for you of the three words, decide, commit and become, which one has the most significant meaning for you and why?

What did you come up with decide, commit and become? Which one has the, “That's a powerful word for me?” Ask yourself why. I don't know why people think about why they should all be the same because we all have different backgrounds. To reiterate everyone has past experiences, good, bad or indifferent, they have all shaped the value of these three words and you know that. If you want to take a blank slate at this and say, “What does the dictionary say for decide?” The Cambridge dictionary says, “To choose something, especially after thinking carefully about several possibilities.”

Choose to do something. You are choosing to create action, as I would say. At DCB Strategies, we are not choosing to create action. We are choosing to go after a goal, to optimize our growth and to be bold. This isn't for the average. This is for those who want to perform at their best. Again, the best and average have nothing in common. You decide. I'm going to ask you to decide about a goal that you want to achieve. Cambridge dictionary also says that, “Commit is to promise to do something or promise that something will happen.” Promise to who? Commit is one of the most loosely used terms out there. That is one reason I utilize it to shape it up and as it should be.

Commit incorporates three things. “I'm going to do this,” whatever that is, it's a strategy. You are going to have an action plan or steps to create new habits. Commit is a lead-in to creating new habits. It gets people out of their comfort zone. We can't do that. It's not out of the comfort zone. It's under the new comfort zone because once you get a taste of what new habits create, your own results are incredible. Commit is a very deep word with a tremendous amount of what I call personal revenue once you know how to activate it. Cambridge says, “Become is to start to be.” I don't want to start it with decide. I want to get into it with commit and want to become it, which means I am now to be. Let's start with it. I am to be.

We are going to get results. I am getting my results. I want to ask you, take an important step and clean that memory slate as to what one of those words means the most to you as to why. Clean it and then think of these three words: decide, commit, become, the three labels of your new go-to growth toolset. Let me ask you, what is your go-to growth toolset now? If you had one coming into this, congratulations and you got off track, and you are curious as to what else is out there, right on. If you never had a go-to growth toolset or formula for achieving your next goal, I'm happy you are here. I’m about to get you designated to decide, commit, become designation and then we need to be dedicated.

Think about something for a minute. If you are an athlete and you have been an athlete in the past, you want to know how to run faster, jump higher, shoot better, kick the ball faster or kick the ball more consistently in different directions, whatever that sport is, there are ways to do it. You practice it and it becomes. In the professional world, career world or business world, you will have those steps that someone gave to you to do and you become and grow. They don't give you that there. You are going on your own. “Try harder, work faster, work more, be smarter than the others and you get there.” I disagree. That is not the way it can be done. A lot of people have been successfully doing it but they have all delegated themselves into a process. It's not just haphazard. They were focused.

They are in it to accomplish it no matter what. This is one reason DCB Strategies was put together and have the Decide Commit Become trifecta so well put in place. It’s to give ourselves personally and professionally a formula, a mindset and a growth toolset to achieve our goals. In the past few months, have you made a decision to achieve a meaningful goal like diet, exercise, professional career opportunity or sports achievement? Do you have a plan to get it done? Are you sticking with it?

For example, I believe desire is much bigger than a need or a want. It's not. Desires are goals. “I need food. I want warm food but I want to have food on my table for the rest of my life without worrying about it.” That is a huge goal. It’s a big difference. We are talking about desires and goals. You can think of many examples of great goals in the professional life, personal life, intellectual uptick opportunities, your balance of life and the efficiency of your calendar, all kinds of activities you would like to have a goal to become growth-oriented, thus progress and become better.

Whether it's personal, exercise, diet, faith, hobbies, self-talk to better yourself and those around you. For a moment, write down or bring to mind one bold goal for the next three months. Think of it and then when you get back to your opportunity to write it down, just write it down. Don't let it go because it was the one that is most meaningful to you. It's top of mind. Let us apply it to Decide, Commit, Become from DCB Strategies.

DCB 1 | End Goals
End Goals: The person you talk to the most every day is yourself.

Decide is not about deciding something to do. Decide is about making a bold goal, a brave goal and a goal to yourself to achieve, make you better, and optimize your personal and professional growth. Decide will require and requires a mindset. An example of a mindset is excitement breaks barriers. I never met an excited person who thought there were barriers in front of them. They didn't care. Whatever it took, let's go. In the decide scenario, we want you to write this down, measure your state of mind. What's your state of mind about going after the goal? Is it completely excited, minimally excited, low excitement, don't know why you are doing it or you know why you are doing it and you can't wait to get involved? Do you have a purpose? What is the purpose of that big goal? Are you focused on it? Is it past-focused, shoulda, coulda, woulda? Is it future-focused? “I get to it. I need to get to that. One day I will get to that.” No, it's present. Everything you are doing is, “I am involved in that goal now.”

State of mind, purpose, present focus. The next is commit. Here is the way to tighten up that term for your process. Commit is defining the strategy of what you are going to do. “I'm going to obtain 50 new clients in the next six months.” If you're in the sales business, that's the strategy. The action step is to define that and go after with a plan 3 times a day, 2 hours a day for the next 3 months. Those are your new action steps. Those are what you call new habits. You have a strategy, new actions, new habits but you have to have a persistence trigger too because there is something in the way. Life is a distraction, we’re trying to pull you away from that and you have to have a persistence trigger.

What is your word? What is your phrase? What do you look at in your room, office, desktop or iPhone that reminds you to get back to your goal, new actions and new habits? Commit is about setting the strategy, having new actions to get you to that strategy and have a persistence trigger when life takes its course and gets you distracted so you can get back on it. Decide is a mindset. Commit is habit-set, with those three variables as I mentioned, become is another three variables, you are starting to get success to occur. You become fulfilled. The contagious juice starts to turn on. You are in the zone of owning your goal. When you become, you have achieved your result-set. Now, you are in a position to rinse and evolve. It rinses and repeats.

Put another goal in decide, make sure you have state of mind, purpose, present focus, have a commit strategy, action steps and have a persistence trigger. You get success, fulfillment, contagiousness. Again, rinse and evolve. It may take 1 month, 3 months or 2 weeks depending on the size and the boldness of your goals, professional and personal. You can earn the designation of Decide Commit Become by utilizing this powerful trifecta towards your achievement ratio.

Your designed achievement ratio is high. Achievement ratio is one reason you are here but the designation doesn't mean successful. You have to now dedicate. Designate then dedicate yourself to Decide Commit Become formula. I'm so thrilled you joined me. If you say to yourself to start this process 3 to 5 times a day and memorize the three elements of Decide Commit and Become, put them on paper, fill them out and start exercising that trifecta formula towards your next personal or professional optimizing goal.

Cadence is key. Stay on track. Once it gets contagious and becomes cadence of you are doing this consistently, it becomes a habit. Remember, cadence. Let me wrap this up. Thank you for your time. I welcome you to DCB Strategies and Decide Commit Become. I ask you to take some notes. Revisit this show. Share that best and average have nothing in the common phrase, which is the heart and soul of DCB Strategies in the future and previous shows. The backdrop of the clear traits of elite performers and how they achieve their bold goals, it's this insatiable mindset where they are going to accomplish, achieve, and complete that goal, no matter what. They have already had this mindset. They are willing to create a new habit set and they become. They do it, rinse and evolve.

We went over the meaning of decide, commit, become to you as individual words or through the Cambridge Dictionary. I asked you to clean your slate and use those three labels as your new meaningful labels to your new go-to growth toolset. We went right into the DCB, Decide Commit Become platform. Now, it's time to set your bold goal, play the process, integrate your daily habits and enjoy the results. This will certainly not be rocket science to you. I'm sure you have recognized that in the time we have been reading and put its effort. Every great goal requires effort. That's why they celebrate it, internally or externally.

I know you are not afraid of making the choice to enjoy the fruits of your efforts. That is one reason why you are here. Thank you for your time. Feel free to check out my website at for more information on what we do at DCB Strategies, whether it's the Wednesday Wisdoms. You can sign up on my website to get, and you will see a section on the Wednesday Wisdoms. There are pearls that you will love. They all have to do with saying the mindset of quoting ourselves and having wonderful quotes to carry our day, week and month. Words are powerful but actions are more powerful or whether it shows. I hope you enjoy it. I had a great grand time explaining decide, commit, become to you. Remember, the way we do anything is the way we do everything. Cheers, stay healthy and stay passionate. Thanks very much. Make it a great day.

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