Here at DCB Strategies, we always say, “Being the best and average have nothing in common.” So what does it take to be the best? If you want to go beyond the average bracket, you need to define and own your bold goal. In this episode, Darren CdeBaca explains why you don’t grow without achieving new goals. He then explains the decide-commit-become process that starts with being clear about your bold goal, taking ownership of it, and taking massive action on it. Tune in and learn why there is so much room for us as determined humans to integrate bold goals into our daily life for growth that we never thought was possible.
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Define And Own Your Bold Goal
Thanks for tuning in. This episode’s topic is something we talk a lot about at DCB Strategies. I thought I'd finally bring it to bearing in one podcast. It's define and own your bold goal. Before we start, like usual, let me share with you the phrase that best defines the work at DCB Strategies, and captures the result of achieving bold goals with that plan of accountability and purpose.
Whether in your professional, personal, or athletic scenario and goals, being the best and average have nothing in common. Say that to yourself. How does that resonate with you? By all means, it’s like your brain wants to draw a line in the sand and say, “What part of the sand am I in? The best or the average?” At DCB Strategies, we're not here to judge. We're here to share with you what the best do that the average don't in terms of tools for optimizing their growth. Being the best and average have nothing in common. Whether it's professional or personal, the best do take and make the time to define and own their bold goals.
Being the best and average have nothing in common.
How did this topic even come alive as a podcast? It's the heart and center of DCB Strategies. DCB Strategies stands for Decide, Commit, and Become. Decide is about setting up your goal with obviously a state of mind, a focus, and a purpose. C is for Commit. Commit about strategy, actions, and persistence. To become is achieving the goal, and being fulfilled and doing it again, rinse and evolve. In terms of DCB Strategies optimizing growth for clients, growth requires bold goals. Bottom line, you don't grow without achieving new goals.
Let me share with you that there is so much room for us as determined humans to integrate bold goals into our daily life for growth that we never thought was possible. It takes strength, courage, and the ability to change. Let me share with you that you will change when you provide courage and strength to develop a goal, a strategy, and new actions.
Let me give an example why it seems to be a scratch of the head kind of thing where, “How come many people don't run around with bold goals?” Today's atmosphere of the workplace and what's going on in our society of work is filled with to-do lists, filled with calendar meetings, with reactions to specific events, etc. What I would share with you is the to-do lists are wonderful, and it disguised itself as the goals I've gotten all done. Isn’t the goal about actually getting something new in terms of your growth to optimize growth? Or is it just actually getting things done? If you want to get things done for yourself, develop an achievement list versus a to-do list. Have your to-do list for others, have an achievement list for yourself, obviously providing a pathway for growth.
Many of my clients at DCB Strategies are driven. Let's face it, they're not reaching out to DCB Strategies because they are average. They are above average and they want to obviously grow and optimize the opportunities to even grow further than the average, and set themselves apart. While they're driven, we all recognize it's not hard to actually state a goal, but when they own that goal or a set of goals, that is the action/commitment that sets them apart from the average. When you own a goal, it's endeared to you. Also when discussing goals with clients, it is apparent how much attention a bold goal receives versus just another goal, and that is what is necessary, that eyebrow lifting attention to your desired goal.
When you think about it and look at it, aren't all goals bold since they place you into this truism? Goals, when accomplished, place you into this truism of life. Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. Obviously when you accomplish your goal, you're turning that invisible into the visible. That's powerful. There are not many things we do in life that visible for us, thus we achieved and are gratified and fulfilled, and it's becomes contagious. We want to do it again for the optimization of our personal and professional growth.
If you think about that truism for a moment, and the inherent power of transition that the achievement of a goal sets into place, making that invisible visible, I should confirm in full disclosure by the way, that's not magic. It's a result of your efforts. I have one of my clients in the past, we've got some great work done. He said, “This isn't rocket science. This is about effort.” As I mentioned before in the beginning, those who actually make and take the time to set up and achieve their bold goals, it takes a lot of courage, strength, time, and effort.
Define and own your bold goal. Let's just think about the word ‘bold.’ Bold means confident and courageous. Being bold builds your confidence. When you achieve any proactive and productive goal, you are instilling another rock in your foundation of strength and confidence. That builds on itself, “I can do this. It means I can do that. Now I can do this and that. I never thought of it that way.” Thus, the way we get things accomplished make us think differently. When we think about things differently, things are different. It's amazing how this works, but it requires discipline and a formula.
Bold goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot. That's the key. Write this down if you have an opportunity. BOLD stands for the following, Bring Optimistic Lasting Determination. If you want to achieve something, put bold in front of it. Bring Optimistic Lasting Determination, and get it in play. How about the word goal? GOAL can be an acronym for the following, and it's so true. Growth Over Average Levels. If you have an average level, just Growth Over the Average Levels, which is a GOAL. We want to have goals that bring us above average, bring our personal and professional element above average, thus becoming the best of what you can become, being the best and average, have nothing in common.
Bold goals should scare you a little and excite you a lot.
Let me share with you a little bit about being on the same page as to what it means to define your bold goal. What is the goal? What is the strategy? What are the actions that equal the accomplishment? You’re going to have a goal, but it is so necessary to set up a commitment that requires a strategy and actions, or we call them new habits, thus you get new results, thus achieve your goal, thus you accomplish, as long as they're performed to their time element. The key is when you set up a goal, you're going to have a strategy to back it up and action steps behind it.
I always use this example as a real good way to think about setting up a goal. The goal is this. I'm climbing Mount Everest. That's the goal. The strategy, upon arrival, we're going to hit six base camps to the top. Hike to one base camp per day for six days. That's the strategy. If I don't accomplish that strategy through the action steps that are going to be following, I can't accomplish my goal. You have a goal, back it up with a strategy, and now the strategy needs to be backed up by actions.
Here are the actions. Hike to the next base camp daily while resting every hour on the way for ten minutes on the way with proper nutrition. If I accomplish these actions, I'll accomplish a strategy, and I'll accomplish the goal. Thus, the bold goal is done, and dust it and we move on to maybe doing it again or climb even a higher somewhere else in the world. Some people say, “Is it that simple?” Yes, it is. I'm not head faking anybody how hard it is to climb, how hard it is to put those actions into place. It's easy to state a goal, but it's very different to actually be committed and own the strategy and actions to back it up. That's why every one of these goals is bold. It requires us to become very unique in our change pattern with new actions. It requires the heartbeat of new actions.
There are huge benefits of setting up your goals. Here are the benefits of setting up goals and accomplishing them. Number one, when you set up a goal, you have stronger direction, you have greater focus, you have increased productivity, and you have higher levels of motivation along with keeping you accountable. In any formula for optimizing growth personally or professionally, that's what it's about, having direction, having focus, and having productivity. Levels of motivation are persistent and you are accountable. When you're accountable, you own it. As we mentioned in the beginning, define and own your bold goals.
![DCB 20 | Bold Goal](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/74322b_0bc712a9de524da0a3cd9761d8cfeb71~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_600,h_400,al_c,q_80,enc_auto/74322b_0bc712a9de524da0a3cd9761d8cfeb71~mv2.jpg)
Setting goals that are smart goals is the formula for the accountability. I shared with you the formula of accomplishing your goals, but I shared with you a formula of accountability in setting up what we call smart goals. The SMART in SMART goals stands for S for Specific goal. M is for Measurable goal. A is for an Achievable goal. R is for a Relevant goal. T is for a Timebound goal. That is a SMART goal because it holds you accountable, thus, you own it. When you own it, it's a pride opportunity for you to accomplish it and grow and optimize your professional or personal spot.
Some people say, “When is the best time to set up a bold goal?” Whenever you want to grow. That's the way I position it. If you want to grow your business, you want to grow in terms of your health, you want to grow in terms of your family dynamics, you want to grow in terms of your faith, your outside community activity, etc. Whenever you want to grow, set up a bold goal.
I would say the word ‘now’ is a good time to set up a bold goal because NOW stands for the following, No Opportunity Wasted. Set up a goal. I ask you before we get into a couple of the things, how long has it been since you've set up a bold goal for yourself over a week or a month or three months? You've actually set up a strategy and have actions and accomplish it. If you have, hats off. Get bolder, get stronger, look higher. That's what we want to do. Get bolder, get stronger, get look higher. When you do that, the fulfillment comes around that you can do this again. It may take more thoughtful work and actions to get it done. When is a good time to set up a bold goal? Whenever you want to grow. NOW is the time, No Opportunity Wasted.
Define your bold goal. What we mean by that is write it down in present tense. We’ve come across in a lot of discussions about setting up goals, “I will become the best sales person in my territory over the next six months. I will contact ten of those clients that I want to integrate into my business. I will develop a private wealth village. I will have the best team.” That's the future tense. Goals don't perform on a past tense, “I shoulda, coulda, woulda.” It just doesn't work, you know that. Goals are written in present tense, which translates into owning it on multiple levels, professional or personal.
![DCB 20 | Bold Goal](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/74322b_b898eb46967b4a5eb2555742210b08f5~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_600,h_400,al_c,q_80,enc_auto/74322b_b898eb46967b4a5eb2555742210b08f5~mv2.jpg)
Here are some examples. I'll use professional at the moment relative to the cases that I've worked with in the recent past with DCB clients. Here are seven real life goals of DCB clients. Notice the present tense of the statement. “Our sales desk is establishing and offering a client experience versus a client service protocol for our clients in the next six weeks. We are establishing a mindset culture of no excuses, just successes with our sales team in two months. I am having meetings with ten new private wealth teams in my territory the next two months.”
“I am making fifteen additional sales calls every other day for the next month. I am crafting an unforgettable storyboard for my top products by this Monday. We are developing a three-step marketing campaign in the next two weeks, that once set into action is interacting with more than 10% of the client pool of high net worth clients over the next three months that we've identified. I am setting and achieving a new goal for each of my five business units over the next six weeks.”
Those are all, “We are, I am, We are, I am,” and “is establishing.” Those are present tense. There is a dual benefit of achieving your goal. Defining and owning your bold goal. We're going to define it, which we did. We discussed what it means to own it through accountability. When you achieve it, it's incredible what happens. You've turned the invisible into visible. We talked about that earlier.
When you achieve it, chin up, shoulders back, number one. Number two, you become what you are along the way. Number two is who you become on the way of achieving your goal. It becomes very interesting how we better ourselves and how we become even stronger in different platforms and the way we think about the next opportunity. What do we mean when we state you become?
Every newer goal requires a following. This is part of becoming. In DCB Strategies, we have Decide, Commit, Become, and Become is achieving the goal. The ability to set the goal in place require some thought. When you achieve the transition and the thoroughness of that thought through actions, you become and you grow.
Let me give you an example. Every new goal requires the following. It requires creativity, a thoughtful strategy to achieve the goal. Thus, you're thinking creatively something new and you're growing. Number two, it requires clarity of action, new daily actions, thus, habits for new results. Thus, you're requiring yourself to have new habits, new actions, new growth. So far, we've talked about creativity, fresh, new for us, clarity of action, developing new habits, obviously growing new for us. Then the third is you have a commitment.
Every goal requires a following. Creativity, Clarity of action and Commitment, commitment of persistence. Warren Buffett always says those who are the best business people are the most persistent people. They're persistent on their action steps and they're persistent on their strategy, which achieves goals.
Having and developing a deeper level of persistence isn't normal. Normal is average. Average do not achieve bold goals. When someone is persistent about constantly achieving better habits to meet the strategy and achieving the goal, they become amongst the best within themselves. You've become what you have put into place through creativity, clarity of action and commitment. There's a reward, not only at the end of achieving, but in your internal growth. It fuels your confidence and fulfillment, and you are in a position to get contagious to do it again, which we call rinse and evolve.
We call this, you're in the growth mode. I met a few clients along the way over the years. When you’re in the growth mode, you stand out of the way. We call it the beast mode. When you're in a growth mode, you're creative, you possess a clarity of action, and you're committed with unwavering persistence. That's pretty powerful. Not many people on the average level are even close to that. The best are constantly a creative thought process. They have a clarity of what they stand for in their actions, and they're committed with unwavering persistence.
By the time you're enjoying the triumph of achieving your bold goal, your sight is set on the next milestone. That's the reward for achieving your bold goal. You have to first define it and own your bold goal. This is a result of what we talk a lot about at DCB strategies. Fulfillment leads to being contagious and readies as you for the next step and experience. Thus, rinse and evolve.
Let's wind down a bit so you can get to work in setting up your bold goals. I would suggest that if this bold goal language is new to you, then start with one goal per week for four weeks. Why not? No Opportunity Wasted, NOW. Remember, bold doesn't require big. Bold requires your ownership in making the invisible visible. Be thoughtful of your goal, and set it up with proper strategy and actions.
![DCB 20 | Bold Goal](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/74322b_3a795f9e0945477a90a315ee2924e689~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_600,h_400,al_c,q_80,enc_auto/74322b_3a795f9e0945477a90a315ee2924e689~mv2.jpg)
Is it perfect? You have the ability to tweak it along the way because you're in charge. Does it have to be exact? You have the ability to conform according to your knowledge, your resources, and your time. Be persistent. Have an unwavering amount of persistence along the way. Remember, excitement breaks barriers. When you set bold goals, you are breaking through barriers and setting the bar higher with each accomplishment.
Small goals lead to medium goals, which lead to big goals. You measure, you go for it, and you optimize the freedom you have to establish goals that are great for you and those around you, personal and/or professional. Hint. We surround ourselves with people that encourage growth. Make sure your community is filled with those who love setting and accomplishing bold goals. Surround yourself with those kinds of people. Yes, it's hard to find, and that is why the best and average have nothing in common when it comes to setting up and accomplishing these goals. Define and own your bold goal.
Inhale the future and exhale the past. Start to grow, no opportunity wasted.
I hope you enjoyed today's topic and discussion points. It is clearly filled with simplicity, formula, turning the invisible into visible. Review it, digest it, incorporate it, and grow with it. Let's inhale the future and exhale the past, and start to grow. No opportunity wasted. If you have any questions, thoughts, comments, contact us at DCBStrategies.com or Podcast@DCBStrategies.com. As I always say after every show, make sure you stay healthy and remain passionate at all times. Thank you for your time. Have a great day.