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Excitement Breaks Barriers


Updated: Jul 6, 2022

How do you become excited? Easy; you become happy. Being happy is easier said than done but it is possible to maintain that happiness, that excitement that breaks barriers. Take a deep dive into what causes your brain to get excited with your host, Darren CdeBaca. Join in the conversation today to learn about DOSE and what it stands for. Believe in the power of happiness and change your mindset today.


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Excitement Breaks Barriers

I'm excited about this discussion titled Excitement Breaks Barriers. Before I initiate this topic, let me share the phrase that defines our work at DCB Strategies, "Being the best and average have nothing in common,” which captures the result of achieving bold goals with a plan of accountability and purpose. Whether the individual is a professional whether it's in personal life or the athletic world, the best and average have nothing in common because the best have a purpose of achieving that bold goal with an excitement that's insatiable and accountability with purpose.

I ask you, as a person who wants to get the best out of themselves every day with thorough excitement, to say that to yourself, "Being the best and average have nothing in common." When you say it to yourself, your brain intuitively will say, "What side of the line in the sand am I on? The best or the average?" I'm certainly not here to make that judgment. I just know that you've taken the effort to be the best and we're here to share an exciting topic. Thus, the word excitement breaks barriers. Let's touch base on what I've witnessed in the best in their craft over the years. I have the privilege of being in the financial industry for many years. It would also be around some very elite individuals in sports in many different facets, faith, nonprofits and phenomenal families.

These people have a lot of things in common. Number one, they're exciting individuals to be around. It's not uncommon because there's a common thread. They're also happy about their opportunity. Their energy is high. They have a purpose. They are focused. I call it present-focused. They're intellectually equipped and humble. I can go on about the common attributes of the best in their craft. One thing is for sure, they're excited. They don't believe in barriers. Anything is possible mentality is persuasive to anyone that they talk to or that they're around, which is the key to powering their mindset for their big achievements. Excitement is a common thread of the best. The common thread of being better, anything is possible and happy about what they're doing builds this excitement.

Excitement Breaks Barriers: Excitement is a feeling or situation full of activity, joy, and exhilaration.

Fueling Your Excitement To Break Barriers

What is the feeling or emotion of excitement? Excitement is a feeling or situation full of activity, joy, exhilaration or upheaval. One thing about excitement sure isn't boring and we all know that. There are a few types of excitement but they're all exciting. They all get your attention. When someone is excited, it's hard to ignore. When you're excited, it's very easy to ignore any barriers, judgments or preconceptions. Let's step back for a moment and recall those individuals that we mentioned in the past comment and try to remember how excited they were about their current situation. There's a symbiotic relationship that is so powerfully noticeable when you surround yourself with highly successful achievers. They constantly fuel their excitement. Do I fuel my excitement? Do you fuel your excitement? Do you have a skillset or toolbox that allows you to dip into to fuel your excitement?

Excitement, if not fueled by your present, meaning or real purpose, will be short-lived. Therein lies the opportunity to re-examine what the meaning of your bold goal and actions are to your purpose because those are so strong that they will consistently fuel your excitement. When was the last time you had your DOSE of excitement about getting something accomplished, a goal achieved or a desire fulfilled? If it was lately you may have recalled how that powerful emotion did not allow you to concern yourself with any potential barriers to progress. Thus, breaking barriers. There are so many people that have had the opportunity to talk with regarding DCB Strategies. They have what we call obstacle illusions or barriers in front of them. Once we start talking about their commitment to the achievement of their goal, either they're tremendously excited, which means they don't have a lot of barriers, obstacle illusions or they're not excited, which means they're full of perceived barriers or obstacles. It's true that the correlation is high.

You Can't Be Excited Without Being Happy

We also know when we are excited, we are happy, not sad. I've never met an excited person yet over all these decades that’s sad, they'll get it. Happiness and excitement go hand in hand. It's awkward to think about any possibility of excitement and sadness. I'm not going to go there. Therein lies a secret, a scientific formula, happiness breeds creativity, energy and thus excitement. Give it a try. Think about it. When were you purely happy last, like out-of-sorts happy? When you were in that phase, that state of mind, there was nothing around you that could distract you and take your focus and mind off that wonderful topic. It's powerful. Excitement breaks barriers and maybe I should have positioned this as happiness and excitement break barriers. I wanted to make sure that you know, we can't have excitement without being a happy person.

If we're a happy person in our mind, what do happiness and excitement mean to our bodies? When the mind is excited so too is the body because the heart rate increases. The sympathetic nervous system increases activity and the brain begins to signal the increased production of vital hormones. Remember when I said, "When was the last time you had your DOSE of excitement?" Here we are. Excitement increases the production of hormones. Thus, the DOSE, the scientific formula that I mentioned. The excitement in the brain is created by brain chemicals. Brain chemicals, there are four of them. The four primary chemicals that can drive positive emotions is the DOSE. D is for Dopamine, O for Oxytocin, S is for Serotonin and E is for Endorphins.

What Is Excitement

When the DOSE is released, happiness populates the brain. We feel joy. These chemicals, which are produced by the vital neurotransmitters of the brain, can be turned on more frequently than you think by initially making sure you're happy. When you're happy, it's easy to create the emotion of excitement. Let's touch base on some of the emotions that affect the brain. When you think about present focus, you are locked in. That's a physical trait but it's also created by an emotion that has a substantial influence on the cognitive processes in humans, including perception and attention. Thus, learning, memory, reasoning and problem-solving. The emotion of excitement has a particularly strong influence on present focus and attention. It allows you to motivate the right action and behavior. When we witnessed the best in their craft, they are focused and persistent. Their energy is high and they're happy.

I'm sure you may be asking yourself, "Why am I happy? I'm a happy person. I got high energy at times. I seem to be focused at certain periods of time. I want to be persistent." What we have to do is get this aligned and make it a practice and a daily habit of creating these attributes that create happiness. Thus, excitement allows us to break barriers when we are on our way to achieving a tremendous goal. Some people say that excitement is a form of stress. It's called eustress scientifically. It's a very positive element of stress. I don't even like to use the word stress. In fact, the word stressed, if you spell it backward, it spells desserts.

Action Steps To Create Excitement

When you take a look at success regarding businesspeople, the common traits that we mentioned are noticeable. One thing also these successful people have is they have a life. They are in the moment. It's what you call the focus. They slow down to speed up, which means they have things at handled. They're curious. Their appetite for intellectual uptick is insatiable. They're kind. They give more than they get and let go. They're able to delegate trust to hire good people around them so they can stay focused. They're driven by their purpose. When we think of excitement itself, what are some of the action steps that we can put into our day to create excitement at the right time so we can eliminate those perceived barriers and obstacles?

It fits right in with the DCB Strategies' Decide Commit Become platform because Decide is about the state of mind, getting any heightened emotion of excitement, back it with a purpose and resulting in a present focus. The Commit is knowing your strategy. The action steps thus are required to fulfill that strategy and a persistence level that keeps you in that state of mind, purpose and focus to maintain those new action steps, which are new habits. The Become is about realizing bits of success from your excitement and the path that it created for you. You're becoming fulfilled with that success. It gets contagious where you do not rinse and repeat. You rinse and evolve, "Let's do this again."

Excitement Breaks Barriers: There's a symbiotic relationship that is noticeable when you surround yourself with successful achievers.

That's the power of the emotion of excitement. It allows you to create a path for yourself. You do not need anything else to create excitement, nothing tangible. This begins in the state of mind backed by your purpose, which creates a present focus. The Decide part is the mindset. The Commit part is the new habit set, which is fueled by your persistence factor. The result set is the Become. It gets successful and contagious. The Decide Commit Become platform is thus exciting because it allows you to elevate your dedication, elevate above and elevate past through any barriers. It breaks right through. Here are some daily habits to practice. Assuming you have a mindset, it's highly happy, energetic and focused. You're kind. You trust and let go. Your mindset is targeted at excitement about your goal. That purpose is so strong it cannot be broken. That present focus of I am is about to happen.

Daily Habits To Maintain Excitement

Daily habits and action steps to maintain excitement in your race to achievements. Be excited about your day. When you wake up, list three things you're excited about doing that day. Number two, educate yourself at least 2 or 3 hours a day. When you learn something new, it fuels progress, which your brain is happy about. Thus, fueling excitement. Positive self-talk is one of the most bulletproof ways to create happiness and excitement. Positive self-talk like, "I am unstoppable. I am not shaken by that. I am not taken off of my focus. I am achieving that goal." At DCB Strategies, we have a whole series on The Power of Self Talk. It's one of our shows.

Live in a mindset of abundance versus scarcity. There's plenty for everyone. Give more than you get. Smile and be happy. Once you put a smile on your face, three things you're excited about doing, you're going to be happy. What does happiness create? Happiness is a product of the DOSE. Those neurotransmitters are alive and kicking, throwing off dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins. That DOSE is the key to building constant excitement. Avoid being around negative people is another great habit. Do something meaningful for yourself and others. Make someone else happy. Those are a couple of things in your daily habits to create excitement because it's all about re-gearing our mindset. Don't get involved in the routine because what we were doing in the routine is not about what we're going to do with an excitement scenario surrounding us.

Let me wind this down a little bit. You've been kind enough to listen to the obvious. You've noticed, witnessed and seen it in your life experiences about those who are excited. It's contagious. You want to be around that because there's magic to it. The magic isn't just available at a magic shop. It takes a human characteristic of practice to put yourself in an excitement state. We took a look at what the best have in common when we witness success. We took a look at, "What is the feeling or emotion of excitement?" We took a look at and listened about the real meaning of, "Did you get your DOSE of excitement through the natural hormones caused by happiness?" We talked about what it does to the body in terms of kicking off the nervous system and increasing activity in a phenomenally positive way.

We understand being witness to what excitement brings to the table. It's a great form of stress. It's positive. I don't like to use the word stressed. We also took a look at some common traits of excited, happy and successful businesspeople and then I gave you some action steps to practice during your day. What's interesting to realize is that when you become excited about achieving your goals and about bold decisions, barriers don't exist. You intuitively will start developing a passion. Passion is a driven development, a passion that takes you and will continually pave the way for you backed by excitement.

At DCB Strategies, it's all about making sure that your mindset is right. It creates a great habit set. Thus, a great result set. That result set can be accentuated by making sure you have an exciting part of your day or an exciting journey of accomplishing your goal. It needs to be a part of the formula. I thank you for your time and I appreciate you reading what a lot of people don't talk about. Even though we notice it but a lot of people don't talk about it. Why define it for you? I'm here to help you with it. At DCB Strategies, we're available. You can get a hold of us at or As I say to all of my pals in the business, colleagues and clients, stay healthy, stay passionate and make it a great day.

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