Welcome to the only Decide Commit Become podcast in the nation, and I am Darren CdeBaca, your passionate and dedicated host. In this episode, we will discuss how to effectively instill discipline to successfully achieve goals and your business plans. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a professional or not. We should have goals in life. Tune in to this episode to learn more!
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ReAssess ReState ReActivate
Thank you for taking the time and reading this. If you're not taking notes, don't be afraid to come on back and replay any part of this segment to get those meaningful thoughts, suggestions or ideas back into your day vision implant as you see fit because our topic is all about that. It's called Reassess, Restate and Reactivate or the three Rs. You will hear me refer to that as we go on.
Welcome. Our topic of Reassess, Restate and Reactivate is undeniably vital because of the following truism within the journey to accomplishing any bold goal and completing an important business plan as you may have been through, are going through or may be going through very shortly. Staying committed to our decisions to achieve bold goals is the major factor in achieving success.
There's nothing clearer about that. It's staying committed. We must also accept that flexibility is required with our strategies and action steps along the way. As you know so well, life circumstances occur without warning and thus demand a focused adjustment. That's why our Reassess, Restate and Reactivate topic is so timely. There is an old proverb that sums it up pretty well.
The most flexible trees in the forest are usually the strongest. You know that. It's time to be exercising flexibility within the realm of still discipline to achieve your bold goal and/or your business plan. As always, before we start, let me share with you the phrase that best defines the work at DCB Strategies and captures the result of achieving bold goals with an action plan of accountability and purpose.
Whether you're a professional, you have personal endeavors or you're in the athletic world, this phrase should ring a bell, "Being the best and average have nothing in common." When you say that to yourself and repeat it to yourself again, how does that resonate? Typically, your brain wants to draw a line in the sand and say, "What am I? The best or the average?"
We're not here at DCB Strategies to judge. We're here to share with you a toolset or give you those tools to make you become the best in what you're achieving and what you're doing and make you even better. The mind is very powerful. When you have tool sets that allow your mind to work hard, your body will follow along. That's what this is all about. It's Reassess, Restate and Reactivate.
Over the years, with the teams and individuals I've had the opportunity to witness in person and/or from afar, one thing was very apparent. The best in their class was never too proud to recognize their need for adjustments in their bold goal strategies and actions. This is more visible with top-level professionals and businesses in sports by the common eye but behind the scenes, individually and so forth, it requires a persistence factor and a focus to stay on course in light of unforeseen adversities or changing circumstances. Thus, achieving bold goals was initially started.
![DCB 19 | Achieving Goals](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/74322b_55f16cbb08d040dca9a7d88cd386bd17~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_600,h_400,al_c,q_80,enc_auto/74322b_55f16cbb08d040dca9a7d88cd386bd17~mv2.jpg)
What separates the best from the rest is having that vulnerability to know that flexibility is required in times of adversities. This formula of reassessing, restating and reactivating is key. This segment is for anyone who has a goal and/or business plan to achieve in the midst of it or planning for it. This atmosphere and multiple life distractions can easily tilt us off our course as you know.
These three Rs that we're about to explore will resonate if you are a salesperson, team leader, athlete, parent and fitness expert. You get it. Let's take a quick moment first to define the three Rs, Reassess, Restate and Reactivate. Reassess means to consider or assess again, especially while paying attention to new or different relevant factors that have appeared.
In Reassess, you're considering or assessing again. Would you have put on the paper what you put on your plan to what has changed relative to relative factors? Restate is stating something again or differently, especially to correct the course and make it more achievable. You reassess the situation, identify the need for change and restate the change, whether it's having to do with MindSet, HabitSet or ResultSet.
You change or course correct it. You can make your goal more achievable because you reassessed and restated it. You're ready to reactivate it. Reactivate means through new actions, you're going to restore that something to its formidable cadence towards your bold initial goal. You're going to either restore your MindSet, HabitSet and ResultSet with the habits and the elements that we will talk about regarding the DCB format.
This is intertwined. Do keep in mind that these elements of Reassess, Restate and Reactivate are dependent on each other. You're unable to reactivate anything if you don't take the time to reassess and restate. You will not be able to restate if you don't reassess. You get it. It's the same thing with deciding, committing and becoming. You can't become without committing. You can't commit without deciding.
A discussion with a leadership team brought this topic to light. It's so classic. You get this. They were one month into their bold gold strategy. It's a bold one with new actions and habits for the team. It was successfully occurring. Without warning, two significant items changed. They lost 2 of their 10 team members to a competitive firm. Their top product specialty was being questioned due to global capital market volatility.
Does that sound familiar? The leadership team's mindset, thus, the decide portion of purpose and focus were strongly in place, thankfully but they had to adjust their 3 and 6-month strategies to achieve their bold goal. In short, together, we reassessed their available resources and looked to upgrade their important prospecting efforts. That was key.
Being the best and average have nothing in common.
That led them to restate their strategy with new actions with the eight remaining team members that included immediate upgrades in sales training for the team and monetary goals for motivation along with restating a more reasonable timeframe with prospects and clients for experiencing their one-of-a-kind asset class that benefits from their firm's top product, which was being challenged initially by market volatility.
Since they reassessed and restated, they were excited and focused on reactivating their plan. If they were not aware and professionally vulnerable to recognize and utilize the three Rs, they would still be scratching their heads in disappointment with lower team morale like, "That's not what we want to have to happen." It’s the clarity and ability to accept that it's time to reassess, restate and reactivate by examining the factors that allowed them to get on with their bold goal with a change due to circumstances they couldn't control. Off they went.
It seems simple. Over a couple of days of discussions and a boatload of determination, we got through it. The steps that made it successfully happen were available for everyone. It was transparent. They all bought in. Kudos to that team. You may be saying, "This sounds great but where's the formula to make this happen? Where's the cue card?" I'm about to share with you that winning formula with the three Rs as applied to the Decide, Commit, Become program because they're all intertwined.
This isn't a gimmick. This is how it works. It's cool. This is bulletproof. If you diligently follow the steps, it will work. Have a pen and paper out. Here we go. The beauty of the three Rs format aligned with Decide, Commit, Become formula is in any boardroom setting, athletic setting, personal fitness setting or family dynamics setting, it works. It's bulletproof.
Let me walk you through it. Here you go. If you're unable to write these notes down, do contact me at Podcast@DCBStrategies.com and make the request. I'll forward the cue card to you. You will get it but if not, take me up on it. Here you are. You're on your growth journey. Something happens. This calls for you to start with the need to reassess. Something happens. It's an uncontrollable circumstance or adversity. Something changes dynamically in your market.
It's time to reassess your original plan and any of the Decide, Commit or Become elements within. You're only able to be prepared to restate and reactivate. Let's do this. It's time to reassess and restate. The circumstance occurred. Let's start with Decide. There are three elements in Decide. It's the MindSet territory. What is your state of mind, purpose and focus? If these three are in play, your state of mind is exciting.
As you know, the old saying we talk about and the new one we talk about is, "Excitement breaks barriers." I've never met an excited person who has obstacles. If that's the state of mind, nothing needs to be changed. Here's the purpose. Why are we doing this? Is the why big enough? If it's still big enough, carry on. Here's the focus. If everyone is hands-on-deck with present focus, carry on.
![DCB 19 | Achieving Goals](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/74322b_51df6d0efb6b4a248ed79f90492f7093~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_600,h_400,al_c,q_80,enc_auto/74322b_51df6d0efb6b4a248ed79f90492f7093~mv2.jpg)
In this example, the MindSet territory, thus, the Decide, is in place. Your reassessment is established. It's time to reassess the Commit segment, which is the HabitSet territory. With changing circumstances, there are three elements here in the Commit and HabitSet territory. There's the strategy, the actions to fulfill the strategy and the persistence to make sure the actions occur with cadence.
With changing circumstances in the markets, physical fitness or life circumstances, there may be a need to change your current strategy in the next three months on how you're going to achieve it with the circumstances that are handed to you. The strategy is going to be fulfilled by new actions, thus new habits. Thus, your persistence factor is still key. No one is going to back you up to the wall and change your mind. You are focused on this with a huge persistence factor to make it happen.
Therein lies the success of reassessing. You found out, reassessed it and restated what you knew to need to do differently. You're setting yourself up to reactivate with new actions. You're getting it. If for some reason the Decide format of MindSet territory and Commit format of HabitSet territory are clear, you cleared those out. You're looking at the Become territory, which is the ResultSet.
You say, "I need to reassess. Is the fulfillment strong enough? Do I feel rewarded enough for making these achievements? Am I contagious? Do I have the I-can't-wait-to-do-this-again mindset? Do I want to rinse, evolve and get bigger, not rinse and repeat?" If those are still clairvoyant, you're being fulfilled by your achievements along the way in your journey to get to the big goal.
If you're contagious and you want to rinse and evolve, then you don't need to change them or what we call restate them. Thus, you don't need to reactivate but you may find reasons to do that. They're all up for grabs per se depending on the circumstances. You get the format. You know that the Decide, Commit, Become is the formula for MindSet territory, HabitSet territory and ResultSet territory. To each three, you apply the reassessment, restatement and if needed, reactivation. You're on your way.
Let me share with you real-life stories even though what we went through is a real-life example of what to do with your new cue card. These are real-life stories of tremendous athletes. These athletes needed to institute their Reassess, Restate and Reactivate action plans. It required them to have us together format the DCB, Reassess, Restate and Reactivate. Let's read about each.
Do you remember Mario Lemieux? He was often considered the greatest hockey player skill for skill in the business. However, Lemieux was sidelined by consistent excruciating back pains that he battled night after night. While playing at certain points in his career, teammates noted that he could have barely tied his skates yet his grit, resilience and courage to push forward inspired everyone around him enormously.
The mind is very powerful. When you have tool sets that allow your mind to work hard, your body will follow along.
That's a huge example. His mindset was intact. That's fabulous. There was no need to restate or reactivate that. Lemieux would face another huge obstacle when he was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma cancer, which resulted in his strength being decreased because of his radiation treatments. However, he would battle through both issues at the same time while earning two more scoring titles before retiring.
Thus, the strategy is working out through action steps. Thus, his commitment and HabitSets territory needed to be reassessed, restated or reactivated with a new workout, new ways to get rest and new nutrition. He was able to reactivate. This is the stuff of legends. There is a great reason he's dubbed Super Mario. He would also prevail and overcome his cancer, believe it or not.
I believe it because he was so strong with his Reassess, Restate and Reactivate through his MindSet, HabitSet and ResultSet mind-frame that nothing was impossible for him. He would prevail and overcome. After his hockey career, he raised funds for curing deadly cancer. That's classic Reassess, Restate and Reactivate through powerful elements that we already talked about having to do with the MindSet, HabitSet and ResultSet.
He's a tremendous player and example. Another one is Adrian Peterson, one of the best NFL running backs in history. He started running back with multiple adversities in his entire life. When he was seven years old, he witnessed his brother getting killed by a drunk driver who ran into his bike. During his teens, he lived in a poor neighborhood in Texas while his father was in prison.
Prior to being drafted, his stepbrother was murdered. He has been battling life's obstacles and dealing with them head-on. That's mindset strength or state of mind, purpose and focus. His strategy to work harder during these times in his NFL career couldn't be more at play. His two-year-old son was a deadly victim of child abuse by Peterson's ex-wife's boyfriend who ended up killing the young boy after serious head injuries.
That's something to throw you for a loop. Those are some life circumstances no one would ever want to have but his MindSet and HabitSet were strong. His reactivation on his reassessment and restating during those periods were diligent. It made a huge impact on his life. Those are two memorable figures who innately practice the three Rs because they're among the best.
You have to practice it if you're not used to that but you're playing at a high level. You're in a high-level scenario. Every goal you're trying to achieve is a high-level scenario. To create this habit in your brain is your choice. This habit of Decide, Commit, Become is powerful. When you're able to have the power to sit back and Reassess, Restate and Reactivate within the three variables of each three in the Decide, Commit and Become, it becomes a plan that you can lean on anytime for success.
Let's close this up so you can get back to your bold goals and daily achievements. I thank you for your time and for getting a cue card for the next circumstance or adversity that comes your way that creates a need to Reassess, Restate and Reactivate. Remember the three Rs when you get off course and align them with your DCB trio of MindSet, HabitSet and ResultSet. Seriously, thank you for taking the time to learn about this vital set of the three Rs, Reassess, Restate and Reactivate.
It will keep you on your journey of optimizing growth as long as you keep in mind the MindSet, HabitSet and ResultSet of DCB. Remember, this is what innately separates the best from the rest. As we say at DCB Strategies, the best and average have nothing in common. As we always say at the end of our episode, thank you for your time. Stay healthy and passionate and achieve your bold goals.