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Reset Your Brain For Growth

Writer's picture: Vincent JohnsVincent Johns

Updated: Jul 6, 2022

DCB 8 | Brain Reset

Resetting your brain every now and then is something everyone should take note of. These days, there are people who don't even take time off work. They go from one load to the next without giving time for their brain to rest. If your brain doesn't rest, it won't grow. Join your host, Darren CdeBaca, as he talks about the importance of growth goals, whether they be personal or professional. Learn the secret formula on how to reset your brain today!


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Reset Your Brain For Growth

If you don't have the ability to take any notes because you're on a leisurely walk or you're driving in your car or you're chilling out on the couch, feel free to come back and reread any part of this blog to grab those moments, messages, phrases and words. In this case, a simple formula takes us to the title of this episode, which is Reset Your Brain for Growth. It's interesting to think about that phrase because at DCB Strategies, which is all about optimizing personal and professional growth, we have to take time to reset our brain to achieve that growth with comfort, embracement, energy and motivation. I am excited to bring this format to you because being a witness to the best and average out there, it is such a common thread to see the best performers reset themselves up for growth.

They take the time to reset their brains for growth. It's a focus. That’s one reason they are relentless in their charge, mindsets, purpose and persistence. When was the last time you reset your brain for growth? Did you take a deep breath and go for it? Did you have a formula? Did you have any accountability? If you achieved it, wonderful. Is it repeatable? Can you evolve from it? How does this sound? Step one, acknowledge if you want to go after a personal or professional growth goal. Step two, establish the possibilities within that personal or professional segment of growth.

Number three, are you willing to take an uninterrupted time to determine the specific goal within that segment of personal and professional space? Did you write down the goal and put a timeframe to it to hold yourself accountable? That's resetting your brain for growth. I'm going to get to that and repeat it, but I just gave you the formula. Let me share with you how that came around. The development of this topic was a result of one of my initial clients. In the initial discussion in what we go through as a breakout profile, they admitted they lost the sense of what real growth was. That's the attraction to the energy of the verb or the noun, grow or growth. How can you lose the attraction to grow?

The person's busy and lives in a world of tremendous touches from social media and emails, but where was that coming from? Maybe the stage wasn't set. In retrospect, many stages are not set because of the almighty distractions that are now in our lives. Some of them are needed and the majority of them are not. These distractions are almighty in the sense of the media is nonstop, social and emails. What I've witnessed is that individuals in some teams and some corporations have become no longer creative. They're responsive. They haven't been able to reset for growth.

The reason is because they're judging their days and judging their performance on results-driven, task-oriented versus growth goal achievements. You get the drift of this. Many are going from one task to another and not owning or making any time to set themselves up for growth. The beauty of making time and owning it, it's for free. You don't have to pay for it. It's an ability to structure the time that you've earned for yourself to grow. It dawned on me that at the moment of this person losing the sense of need to grow, they lost their vision or feeling of what growth meant.

It’s vital for personal growth to have an open mind and the desire to learn.

That's okay because as individuals who have experiences of growing over time no matter what age you are, you bring different interpretations of the word growth or grow from that experience. Therefore, the steps to reset our brains for growth should be simple and applicable to a wide variety of applications and opportunities no matter what your experience. This is exactly what I'm about to share with you. First, let's clean the slate which I always like to do. If you have any preconceptions or images of growth, let's set the stage of what it means.

As a noun, growth means something that has grown or that is growing. As a verb, it's something that's becoming larger or greater. It's increasing. Either way, it's growing larger. You're starting to see increases in something. It's becoming greater over time. Whether it's a growth of confidence, whether you're growing clarity, whether it's a growth of happiness or whether it's growing the size of your money and your wealth, the definition of growth is pretty simple. It's more of it becoming larger. More of us mind, body and spirit money, it's good growth or bad growth.

We're going to talk about only good growth. Good growth is positive and greater increases for the good of your personal or professional status or situation. Bad growth is the opposite, increasing the magnitude of negative results on your personal-professional situation. It’s self-explanatory. I’m not going to go into examples. We're talking about good growth. Positive and greater increases of good for personal and professional status or situation. When you personally say or ponder the word growth, what comes to mind? Many different interpretations may be out there, but let's have a common starting point.

There are two types of growth to keep it simple, personal and professional. Let me share with you what personal means in our discussion point. Successful personal growth requires motivation, discipline, the desire to improve and the willingness to strive to make changes for your mind, body and spirit. You also need to be willing to get out of your comfort zone and into a situation that allows you to do things that are uncomfortably good for you and are for your own good in your growth goals. It's vital in personal growth to have an open mind and desire to learn. To have a closed mind and no ability to learn as if we know it all shuts the door on growth. It's that part of resetting our brain for growth.

Let's talk about professional growth. I got this great piece I came across. It's so cool. Let me share with you a couple ideas of personal growth. It has to do with mind, body and spirit. Here's one. You discuss ideas, not people. That's a sense of maturity and growth. You love yourself as much as you love anyone else. You take responsibility for all that is yours, regardless of whose fault it is. You understand that everything requires your opinion. You keep an open mind in everything and attach it to nothing. You give before you receive. You're straight with your communication. You've stopped giving off the image of perfection knowing that no one else can relate to it. You quiet the voice in your head that insist something is always wrong.

DCB 8 | Brain Reset
Brain Reset: If you have goals in your career to move upward, congratulations because not many people feel as though they earn the right to do that.

You don't seek what you want. You create it. Those powerful personal growth messages have to do with maturity, mind and spirit. People have personal growth goals of body, health and longevity. Let's talk about professional growth. Professional growth essentially refers to gaining new skills or work-related experiences that can assist you in reaching the goals of your career. If you have goals in your career to move upward, congratulations because not many people do feel as though they earn the right to do that.

Everybody has earned the right to do that. Let me give us some examples of professional growth goals that people look at daily. They professionally want to have an intellectual uplift in their industry and be amongst the smartest. They want to grow and participate in organizations and be a lead speaker at these organizations or lead one of these organizations that takes them out of their comfort zone and puts them on a growth pattern of leadership.

They want to improve their job performance and status. Growing as opposed to being where they started and stay in there and be mediocre. You don’t deserve or earn the right to be mediocre. You increase the duties and responsibilities of your assignment so you can then share with people that you're more than willing and capable to grow in your responsibilities at larger capacities for your firm. You grow with the approaches of an uptick in your professional development, best practices and efficiency of your business model. You become a calendar conqueror versus it conquering you. You become a public speaker in the industry that you were chosen for and become a leader in that space amongst the public. These take courage and growth, but to reset your mind for it is the start.

Those are some examples of personal and professional growth one-off to get your gears going. If the gears are going, let's get right back to those four steps. Let me reintroduce you to the four steps of resetting your brain for growth, thus initiating and implementing the new and clear actions or habit sets to guide you into your desired goals. Growth goals are so powerful. Number one, here's the first step. With quiet time, acknowledge with quiet time if you want to grow personally or professionally in this one action step and goal?

Number two, establish a quiet setting and take a deep breath or two so you can set your mind up for possibilities in that personal and professional setting. What are the possibilities for growth? You can say, “I want to professionally grow or personally grow.” You’ve got to set some quiet time to say, “What ways do I want to grow personally or professionally? What would be the mark of growth? What is my growth goal?”

You don’t seek what you want. You create it.

Number three, take uninterrupted time, whatever that time is 5, 10, 15 minutes, half an hour, an hour to determine the specific goal, because prior to that, you establish a set of possibilities. You wrote down many different ideas. You're going to determine one. Fourth, you're going to write that goal down and you're going to set a timeframe with it. Become personally accountable. What's important to do is you have a goal. Put the word, I am, in front of it. I am, for example, seeking a job promotion in three months by doing this. I am losing 10 pounds in the next two months. I am becoming a leader within my sales team in the next three months. Surround your growth goal with the word, “I am.” Be present. Present focus. It's going to help you establish energy on this growth goal.

Number one, acknowledge if it's personal-professional. Number two, establish possibilities within the segment. Number three, take uninterrupted time and determine the specific growth goal. Number four, write it down and put a timeframe on it, then attach the I am present focus in front of it. If there's a sense of renewed energy, excitement or anxiousness or freshness or the what-if mentality as a result of you going through these four steps, then I congratulate you because you've reset your brain for growth. On the surface, it seems pretty simple. It is simple, but some of the simplest things we miss. Some of the simplest things we don't see. Some of the things we can’t take for granted we don't do.

I want to remind you of the four steps, a reset in your brain for growth because you've earned the opportunity. Acknowledge, establish possibilities, determine, write it down and put a timeframe on it, put ‘I am’ in front of it and become accountable. This is your moment to grow. I can't thank you enough for tuning in to this episode and refreshing our minds to reset our brain for growth. Take this and run with it. Take this and grow with it. Share it with others. If you want to ask me any questions about this topic, please people email me at We’d be happier to chat more about this topic where you can visualize and see some of the applications on our website. As I say in all of the shows at the end, thank you for your time. Stay healthy and passionate. Make it a great day.

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