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ReWire vs. ReContent


Updated: Jul 6, 2022

DCB 15 | Rewire And Recontent

Everyone wants to achieve success, but we must learn the steps we need to get there. Darren CdeBaca contemplates and bestows to us the proper way to success. He says that we have two brain banks: the content bank and the effort bank. Either one works us in rewiring or recontent. Join Darren as he breaks down which is which and how either can help you harness a growth mindset and make it a habit. He also shares the seven steps that we can do to master our minds and discusses guidelines to fill our minds with positive actions and steps to achieve our most desired goals.


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ReWire vs. ReContent

Thank you for tuning in. If you are not taking notes, you can come back and read any part of this to get those meaningful thoughts, suggestions, and ideas back into your day for your vision, growth goals, energy, and profound desired achievements as you see fit because this topic is intense. I love this one because it's all about the basis of what DCB Strategies is and the success we have with clients, leadership teams, and other teams that desire to grow their businesses and professional status. It's called ReWire vs ReContent.

I would like to share a phrase that defines DCB Strategies. Those of you who I'm privileged that you follow DCB Strategies have read this before. This phrase captures the result of achieving bold goals with a plan of accountability and purpose, whether you are in the professional or personal athletic world, you are ready, “Being the best and average have nothing in common.” Take a moment, say and repeat that to yourself. How does that sound to you? How does it resonate?

Imagine you are on the beach. You draw a line in the sand and say one side is best and one is average. Where do you feel you are? Best in your personal and professional desires? We are average. I'm not here to judge. I'm here to give you a toolset and remind you that we are all able to be rewired. Rewire vs recontent to develop the insatiable desire and mindset to grow.

On that topic, let's dive into it. The individuals that you are aware of, the teams in all facets of life do take time to rewire their growth/positive mindsets. They study and can read content themselves but it's not the content that drives their success. They know and understand that the content is not the path that they are going to carve out for their success or achieving their goals. It's clearly the effort fueled by their powerful mindset. This mindset is called rewiring for growth. If you don't have a mindset fueled by your rewiring opportunity and status, it doesn't go anywhere. It's stagnant.

You can clearly understand this when you take a moment to think about it. The best is do study. They study their opponents, information, surroundings and act accordingly, businesses, sports, combat, and most importantly of all, schools, etc. That's what they best do. The average, study their surroundings but unfortunately, they don't act accordingly. They act because they have a mindset that's wired for effort, whereas the average doesn't act accordingly. Why? The average performer is not wired with that growth mindset.

Brains and talent are just a starting point; they are not required to succeed.

Whereas the best embrace that growth mindset as a contagious habit. They have an insatiable thirst to repeat and evolve. As we go through this intense discussion because I believe this is the dividing factor of how people achieve their goals and want to do more versus sitting back, not achieve and thinking it's good enough. That's fine but it's intense because it requires us to be vulnerable and courageous about our way we think, and utilize our wonderful brains.

I asked you during this discussion to constantly survey your position and situation as to your status. Are you ready to rewire or do you want to recontent? How did this topic come up as a topic? Intuitively, it's the heart and soul of DCB Strategies in coaching. When I have the privilege of talking to prospects, firms, teams, and individuals about having the opportunity to partner with DCB Strategies, they always ask, “How are we different? How is the curriculum? How is the trilogy we provide a DCB Strategies different?”

I immediately start and carve it out by talking about there is recontenting consulting or coaching out there. You see it many times, you went to a function and seminar, “Here's the manual on how to achieve it from step A to Z. Here's a CD that repeats that process.” You go in and make sure that those plans are accountable and you repeat those plans. Those are manuals. Those are recontent. You are learning about how to do something but you are not rewired in doing it, and therein lies the difference. You are setting up your knowledge bank by recontenting but now what? That's the key.

The fact is that brains and talent are a starting point. They are not required to succeed, believe it or not. You heard the same before, “He or she's a know-it-all.” That's right. They are know-it-all because they have the content but unfortunately, they don't do it all and act on it. They don't do it being the actions, the habits, and the mindset to create those habits, courage, vulnerability, and to get on track with a purpose, which is a present focus.

When I do compare what recontenting is versus what we do at DCB Strategies, which is rewiring in the power of that, we are setting up the growth positive mindset. If you have it, you are ready to act upon the required steps to create new habits for bigger and new rewards. You are firing up the effort bank, as we would say. When you are rewiring, you are firing up your effort bank. You have a content bank, then you have an effort bank. I want to grab so much out of that effort bank because it's tough to deposit in there all the time but you can take so much out of it and succeed with those payments.

DCB 15 | Rewire And Recontent
Rewire vs. Recontent: We are all able to be rewired versus recontent to develop the insatiable desire and mindset to grow.

The effort bank will provide you with the clear essence of curious desires and vision for growth because you are ready and take on an Excitement that Breaks Barriers. We have a show on that. If you have content, you are becoming the learning about the content bank but you are not firing up your effort bank to go out there and make payments to accomplish those wonderful achievements and goals. This is the cornerstone of DCB Strategies. DCB Strategies starts with the word Decide, C is Commit, B is Become. Decide depends and is made up of a mindset.

We cannot start and decide upon a bold goal without a mindset to initiate the backup process or the effort bank. Mindset is associated with getting the neural pathways signals fired up to get the brain in the right state of mind at DCB Strategies. We define the mindset as a definition of, “Where's the state of mind? Is it fired up and ready to go?” Lack of a better definition but there are other ways to think about it. Are you psyched up about it? Are you excited? You have a persistence factor that's crazy that you keep on going. State of mind is ready.

Number two about Decide, do you have a purpose that’s overriding the meaning to you that allows you to nonstop think and act upon this goal? Are you thinking of a present focus as opposed to a past focus or a future focus? The three main elements of mindset at DCB Strategies is making sure we have our state of mind set up. We define that in a few ways and we get ready for it.

We have a purpose that is so meaningful that it fuels that state of mind and we have a present focus where we say, “I am accomplishing. I am achieving. I am leading. I am in the present zone as opposed to the future. I will get and commit to that. That will be done.” That never gets done as opposed to the past. I should have, could have or would have. Maybe I will get to it. That's the future. If you put yourself in, “I am more,” mindset, your brain turns itself on to get involved in a rewiring process of neurons.

Rewiring is powerful but it's how we put ourselves in a self-talk present mode and how we define our purpose as meaningful that fuels our state of mind. It is the cornerstone of DCB Strategies. By having the privilege of being experienced around successful teams, business leaders, etc. over many years, it's clear that the best at what they do think differently compared to the average. The best create and perform in a mindset that leads them towards achieving their goals. These achievements require action. The action requires precursor thoughts and this is what we define as a growth mindset.

We cannot start and decide upon a bold goal without a mindset to initiate the backup process or the effort bank.

Growth Mindset

If you have action supported by great thoughts, you turn your mind and you are rewiring. Herein lies the huge takeaway, most people remain average comparing the best in average because they never care about what they think. They don't have a state of mind and purpose that's meaningful. They are not present focus. Most people remain average because they never care about what they think so they never will be able to act on it to achieve. If you don't care about your thoughts, you are not going to have the purpose, state of mind, and the present focus to act on them.

Therein lies the huge takeaway. Let's move on a little bit. There are two types of mindsets. There is a positive mindset or a growth mindset, which is one of the same, and then there's a fixed/negative mindset. The mindset for success is clearly the positive growth mindset. The negative fixed mindset is like a wet blanket. They smother anything productive or beneficial before it can even ignite. Let me give you an example, Dr. Carol Dweck, a PhD at Stanford, did phenomenal work on mindset.

She wrote a book on Mindset. She has this wonderful chart about the brain and how it totally differentiates itself in what we call a fixed or negative mindset versus the positive growth mindset. Fixed thus negative mindset leads to a desire to look smart and therefore a tendency to, when it comes to challenges, avoid challenges. A fixed mindset tends to when it comes to obstacles, give up easily. A fixed or negative mindset, when it comes to effort, sees the effort as fruitless or even maybe worse.

A fixed or negative mindset, when it comes to criticism, ignores it as it could be useful feedback but they ignore it. When it comes to the success of others, they feel threatened. They live in a scarcity world. By the success of others, they feel threatened. A fixed or negative mindset can plateau early and achieve less clearly in their full potential. Let's compare it to a growth positive mindset. A growth positive mindset rewire state of mind, purpose and present focus. This type of mindset leads to a desire to learn and therefore, the tendency to embrace challenges.

Therefore, a tendency to persist in the face of setbacks. Growth and positive mindsets tend to see effort as a path to mastery, to go into the effort bank because they have rewired their neurons and the neural pathway to say, “Let's do this.” They are going to the effort bank, whereas the fixed or negative mindset sees effort as fruitless. The positive growth mindset tends to learn from criticism. It takes courage. They also find lessons and inspiration in the success of others. They learn from others, positive growth mindsets are open-minded.

DCB 15 | Rewire And Recontent
Rewire vs. Recontent: Having a greater sense of free will creates calm, confidence, and creativity to grow.

Fixed and negative mindsets are closed-minded. Positive mindsets and growth mindsets reach higher levels of achievement because of this path that they are carving out for success. It gives them a greater sense of free will. When you have a greater sense of free will, it creates calm, confidence and creativity to grow. It's a fascinating observation and comparison. It is simple, one side of the brain or the other.

In the fixed or negative mindset, brain activity on their brain scans is very insignificant. If you took colors, it would be green sitting there versus growth or a positive mindset. You take a brain scan and it's fired up with red. It has a very visible, active mindset. It doesn't mean you have a busy brain for the wrong reason. You have a busy brain because you are excited.

Your thoughts are being created and now you are ready to act on those thoughts. Let's go and take the rewiring or recontenting to another level, which we have been talking about already. I know you have been saying, “I identify with that. I don't identify with that. I know people of that.” Fixed mindset, growth mindset, rewire or recontent, let's take it in the taste of academia, life or even best athletes and take a look a little bit about what that all means.

As I mentioned about Professor Carol Dweck of Stanford University, she's a well-known American Psychologist and Author of the book Mindset. It's a psychology of success. This is what the cornerstone of DCB Strategies starts within this psychology of success and that starting point. We all have different beliefs about the underlying nature of ability. Those different beliefs that we talk about are shaped by our experience. We get that and we all have different experiences, according to her studies and what we have seen as evidence. It’s the a-ha moment.

People with the growth mindset believe and rewired that intelligence and abilities can be developed through their efforts, persistence, trying different strategies and learning from mistakes. They get rewired for that. They take advantage of and get involved in their effort bank. They have strategies and processes. They put things together as action plans.

The positive growth mindset has a tendency to learn from criticism.

They don't just study and know it all. They do it all. She also mentioned in a study about children, and how academia and children put a phrase in front of the children expedited their growth and confidence by using the phrase, “Not yet,” as opposed to giving them F, they say, “You didn't get an a yet. Not yet. You didn't achieve this yet.” They are putting themselves in rewiring the mindset.

The, “Not yet,” phrase creates better confidence in resistance. They are not failing. They know they can get better. They are rewiring themselves for the effort, strategy, and process to put forward. Difficulty to them means not yet. They need to put more effort, strategy and process. To do that, make sure the mindset is rewired, not recontent.

Another example of mindset prowess and rewiring ourselves, there's another mindset expert out there. Her name is Angie Zimmerman. She's an author of 7 Steps to Master Your Mind and Increase Sales and Boost Productivity. It talks about what it takes to put your mind on a path to success or what it takes to rewire our habits, efforts, thus brain for growth mindset.

You will notice that she talk about these seven steps, actions and not content. Actions are only fired up by thoughts. Thoughts are fired up by state of mind, purpose, meaning, and present focus, thus the Decide factor in DCB Strategies.

7 Steps To Master Your Mind

To have a growth mindset, the seven steps. Number one, no risk, no reward. Number two, embrace mistakes and move on. Be vulnerable. You have to have a mindset to allow yourself to do that. Number three, curiosity drives a thirst for more. Allow yourself to be open-minded. It will equate to, “I am searching for more.” Number four, find gratitude, celebrate others’ success.

DCB 15 | Rewire And Recontent
Rewire vs. Recontent: Having your actions backed by great thoughts can make you achieve greater things.

This is allowing ourselves to live in the sense of abundance. Number five, shun the negative and feed the positive. We talk a lot about feeding the positive at DCB Strategies with self-talk. Number six, be healthy in mind and body. If you are healthy, your energy is at its peak. If your energy is at its peak, you think clearly. If you think clearly, you have the opportunity to express yourself and take advantage of your effort bank. Number seven, keep energy high. That’s what it’s all about.

If you don’t have enough energy to reach that effort bank through your mindset, it’s not going to happen. To have a growth mindset, here's the seven, no risk-reward mentality. Embrace mistakes and move on. Curiosity drives a thirst for more. Find gratitude, celebrate other successes. Shun the negative, feed the positive. Be healthy in mind and body and keep energy high. It has nothing to do with study manuals. It has to do with resetting and rewiring our mindset with great contagious effort habits. It has to do also with utilizing. There are two sides to our brain.

There's this fixed or negative mindset, and then there's this growth and a positive mindset. I call that a DCB Strategies the default side of your brain, which is the fixed mindset, and the deliberate side of your brain, which is the growth or positive mindset. It's very easy to sit on the default side of your brain. It's meant to protect, not be curious, and not to shun the negative. It's meant to hang in there and do the average. Whereas the deliberate side of the brain is the one that is ready to rewire, turn on the neurons, the brain circuits.

You can get in the state of mind that's perpetually exciting. It has a purpose backing up, embracing mistakes, moving on and finding gratitude. You are promoting progress, being healthy, and keeping your energy high in that deliberate side of your brain. We can choose what side of our brain, the positive mindset that’s the deliberate side of your brain or negative mindset, which is the default or fixed side of your brain?

10 Elements Of How To Build A Better World

Let's take a look at something pretty cool. If you have time, look up this YouTube video about Admiral McRaven. He's a Navy SEAL. It's called On Your Way to a Better World. It's very intense and it has so much associated with mindset. You will notice that none of these ten rules or guidelines have to do with content or manuals. This is Admiral McRaven, an ex-Navy SEAL. He talks about what Navy SEAL training is all about, to build a strong mindset filled with strides of effort. Take a listen to these ten elements of how to build a better world. Thus, it's all about a mindset.

We have the tools, and it's in our brains.

Number one, he says, “Make your bed.” Number two, “Find someone to help you through it.” Number three, “Navy SEALs in their training are taught to respect everyone.” Number four, “They are taught that life is not always fair so move forward.” Number five, “They were taught don't be afraid to fail.” Number six, “They were taught to take risks.” Number seven, “Facedown the bullies. Don't put up the bullies.” Number eight, “Set up and step up when times are toughest.” Number nine, “Lift up the downtrodden around you. Be a leader lead by example.” Number ten, “Never give up.”

Those are incredible elements of action. If you fill your effort bank with those ten every day, you are intuitively rewired yourself for a positive growth mindset. Make your bed, find someone to help you through it. Respect everyone. Life is not always fair. Move forward. Don't be afraid to fail. Take risks. Facedown the bullies. Step up when times are toughest and lift up the downtrodden.

It has nothing to do with content or manuals. This is the fuel that allows these Navy SEALs to be the best action-driven protectors on Earth. This is the fuel that drives the best in the business, thus rewiring versus recontent. Their mindset is on a totally different trajectory.

Let's start closing it up with a wonderful memory in our sports lives of Kobe Bryant. He would get into the gym a couple of times a week, shoot around and practice from 4:15 to 10:00 or 11:00 AM before a real practice started to make his 800 shots.

He had a desire to make 800 shots a couple of times a week before practice started. He would get there when nobody else was there, not ask for accolades, knowing he's doing his best, with a state of mind, purpose and a present focus, “I'm making shots.” He would get there with a rewired atmosphere in his mindset.

Athletes’ work ethic is unmatched. You can think and read about many athletes who have unmatched work ethics. It's about their effort bank set up by their mindset and by the time they take to rewire. To rewire, it's the power of making sure your state of mind is percolating with a progressive mind and openness. It has a purpose in meaning that is powerful. It's a persistence factor that keeps you in it all the time during the action steps to accomplish. You are in a present focus of, “I am,” in terms of your brain.

When you turn on the, “I am,” part of your brain, you are turning on what we call a reticular part of your brain. Everything you say, “I am,” your brain says, “I am,” and it starts to back it up with actions, judgments, and follow-through about yourself. You start going on, “I am the path,” versus, “I could have, would have, and should have. I will get to it.” It's unmatched and takes effort. One of my great clients and colleagues in the business said, “This isn't rocket science. This is effort and the best is to put effort into it.”

Hopefully, you have a huge takeaway about how important it is to rewire your mindset and your brain. It's not about reading a manual as to how-to but it's about having the energy, courage, and neurons fired up to act upon to do it. I ask you as an interested reader, are you rewired to create that growth positive mindset? Are you doing it daily? You have the opportunity and the tools. You could so much look forward to achieving your most desired growth goals. Achieving your most desired growth goals is huge.

We have the tools and it's in our brains. Nobody is saying, “Here's the manual.” You have to go learn and experience it. If you set your mind up and tell it has a great state of mind, your purpose is so powerful and ever-present focus that's undeniable. You act upon your thoughts and create this insatiable desire for fulfillment. You have a contagious formula for consistent success in your mindset that leads to a great habit set that leads to such rewarding results. This has been fabulous. This is what DCB Strategies is all about.

Thanks for letting me take you on this journey about rewiring versus recontenting. It's valuable, powerful and real. This is what we do at DCB. I love to have the opportunity to chat with you. You can either go to, check out the website and how we apply these tools or give me an email at I would love to be in contact with you and chat about more opportunities. As we always say at DCB strategies, thanks for your time. Stay healthy and passionate. Set up your time to rewire. It's our opportunity to grow.

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