There is power in words and it’s amazing what the right ones can do in our lives. From the moment we wake up, we use words to communicate with others and even with ourselves. If we start with motivational words in the morning, we would definitely carry positive energy throughout our day. Dive into the power of words and what your brain does during thought processes with your host, Darren CdeBaca. He emphasizes that we need to be careful with the words we plant in our minds and how we use them because it will impact our lives. In this episode, he shares how we can inspire ourselves for the better.
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Word Power
Thank you for your time reading. If you're not taking notes because you're on a leisurely walk, just chilling or driving in the car, don't be afraid to come back and reread any part of this show to get those meaningful thoughts, suggestions, intentions and in this case, words into your vision as you see fit. We realize that there are many distractions out there. At DCB Strategies, that's one reason we set up this coaching platform to set up a curriculum, to set up a wonderful set of words that allow you to have direction and persistence, which is leading me to the topic of our discussion which is word power. Before I initiate this topic, I want to share with you the heart and soul of DCB Strategies' work. It revolves around this phrase, which is built with very powerful words. Being the best and average have nothing in common whether in a profession, personal activities or the athletic world. The best are achieving bold goals with their plan of accountability and purpose.
Are you ready to achieve your bold goals with accountability and purpose? If so then this topic is going to help you initiate fuel under your daily actions. Before we start, say that phrase to yourself, "Being the best and average have nothing in common." Go ahead. When you say that, your brain intuitively wants to draw a line in the sand and put you on one side of the other, the best and the average. Here at DCB Strategies, we're not here to judge that. What we're here is to provide opportunities, a toolset for you to grow to your largest desires achieving your best and if you are the best getting better. Don't be afraid. Be courageous in adapting new action steps that will allow you to fuel your passion for desire.
At DCB Strategies, we're very keen on rewiring the mindset. When you rewire the mindset, guess what follows? It's the heart. The heart and brain are guided by words. Words are so powerful. They can crush your heart or heal it. They can shame a soul or liberate it. Words can shatter dreams or energize them. Words can obstruct connection or invite it. They can create defenses or melt them. As human beings and the wonderful brain we have, we are given a choice to use words wisely. That's the eloquence of what we're talking about. Using words wisely to yourself to power you through your most wanted desire. Not your need, not your want, your desire and goal that persistence trigger.
The capacity to learn is a gift. The ability to learn is a skill. The willingness to learn is a choice.
As we say at DCB Strategies, words can inspire or create a fire. You know that firsthand. You've been around folks, individuals, peer sets, leadership teams and clients who have a set of words that don't agree with your positive outlook in life. That's okay but their life is different than yours with a whole different set of words back in it. When we discuss words in this segment, I'm going to be tilting towards referring to a single word or phrase that we can say to ourselves or we are saying to ourselves but we got to start with that word. You're kind enough to read. I would ask you to have one bit of exercise. What is your word now or a goal that you have? What's the word that powers you through the day, powers you through the week or is your persistence word on the journey of your goal?
Two Parts Of Our Brain
It's amazing what words can do. Words can turn around a brain on a dime. There are two parts to our brain. I mentioned this in one of our other shows, LIFT or DROP, the deliberate side of our brain and the default side of our brain. When we use the deliberate side of our brain, we are incorporating positive words, forward-thinking words, courageous words, uncomfortable action set words. There are words that keep us in our default side of our brain, comfort zone, should have, could have, would have, I will, someday and I feel more comfortable here. You get the essence of what I'm chatting about. When a man uses his word, it's his bond. That's what they used to say. A person's word is their bond and that person's word is the bond to yourself.
Be true to yourself. Words are for free. You don't have to buy them. These are the old saying out there. The best things in life are for free. That's right. It's how you use them that may cost you. In lies, there's the truth. If you want to be on the deliberate side of your brain, progress, achieve your desired goal, make your loved ones happy, show leadership amongst your team and set your goals that you've never set so high with confidence, that's why we're here. Say yes to yourself more than five times. It will turn on the deliberate side of your brain and look at things that are about yes. If you have to make a decision, you're more inclined to say yes. Think clearly before you say it.
The Power Of Self-Talk
When was the last time you committed yourself, your actions or your plan to a simple word? It has to do with the power of self-talk. When you say words to yourself, positive words that energize and fuel a direction of confidence in deliberate progress, you are self-talking. Since we talk to ourselves the most during the day, we should use the best words thus, to be our best. The power of self-talk is the art of using the right words, utilizing words that fuel and reset the brain to the deliberate side, not the default side. Let me give you an example of a history of the power of words. This was developed in 1987. Can you guess what company took off after these three words? Here they are. "Just do it." Those three words changed the direction of the company of Nike in 1987. That was there and that is their logo.
It set the stage culturally, product development-wise, their outreach, accountability, plans, strategic partners and first-class service, etc. Just do it. That's three words. We may be using words or phrases to set the stage of the deliberate side of the brain that we can and are accustomed to. If you're not used to be involved in the deliberate side of your brain, that's okay. That's why we're here. We're all learning ways to adopt that powerful fuel for a different and best-achieving set of circumstances in our life. A word that you can adopt can set you on a journey. Inspirational words fuel the deliberate side and negative, fearful words or comfort words fuel the default side. It's not bad to be in default mode. Don't get me wrong. Our brains as human beings are set up for comfort zone for protection based on experience. We've gone through this life full of experiences and we know what's safe and what's not safe. That's our comfort zone, the default zone and the protection zone.
When we're in the mode of being our best and be in the mode of achieving our goals for the betterment of ourselves, our family, our companies, our business, our kids, we are on the side of making sure that we are utilizing our brain for those kinds of wonderful consequences of growth. You heard the saying, "You are what you eat." We see that in the physical sense of a diet. You know it's true. It's also a fact that we are what we say. If we constantly bombard ourselves and saying those things that don't allow us to grow such as, "I'll never be able to do that. I'm not good enough. One day, I'll get there. I don't have enough time. I wish I had more resources. If only I had this." Those are things that we say don't fuel progress. We are what we say. I am powerful. I am courageous. I am thoughtful. I am a wonderful father. I am a premier nutritionist. I am healthy.
It's amazing what words can do. Start your day with positive thoughts and inspiring words in the morning and change your whole day.
What we say and the words we choose are totally different setup structures so our brains are allowed to discover a backup for those words that you talk about. Isn't it true that in life experiences, if you've been in professional boardrooms, offices, high-level client meetings, coaches, premier athletic teams, inspirational, nonprofits, faithful churches, and the individuals that run those programs, for the lack of better terms, usually have a quote or a saying in a poster form? Have you ever seen anybody who had a little picture frame? It's a very high-performing individual or a poster in their office with a small quote that resonates, defined the team and their promise to themselves, clients, work, industry and products. They're fueled by the words. They look at these words every day and it becomes part of their brain turning on the deliberate side.
Foundation Of A Culture
In my experience working with premier teams, coaches, athletes and high-level professionals, they always had a mantra. If you dig deep enough with open-ended questions about what drives you? "We believe in the client experience, not client service. Experience is what drives our team." That's a powerful word. There's a lot behind that. "We believe in not compromising and accountability." Words can build a foundation of culture thus accountability and performance that's turning on the appropriate progress side of our brain. Words are seeds that do more than just blow around. Unfortunately, there are too many people in the industry of choice that use words very loosely. You know who they may be. That person is not a person of their word or that person seems to live to their word to a T. Words land in our hearts, not on the ground. We pick them up very quickly and put them in our hearts. Be careful what words we plant and how we use these words. It's a powerful free opportunity to feed yourself with words.
In fact, I became so enamored with using powerful words early on in my career. I developed this and my clients that we work with at DCB Strategies hear this all the time. When it's Monday, I say, "Magical Monday." Tuesday, "Terrific Tuesday." Wednesday, "Wonderful Wednesday." Thursday, "Thoughtful Thursday." Friday, "Fabulous Friday." Saturday, "Super Saturday." Sunday, "Smooth Sunday." Those words are my starting points for each day. They define a wonderfully productive, desirable week of flow. That little element of, "Darren, I'm calling you. I know it's Terrific Tuesday back to you before you even say it.” It’s is catchy and contagious. It changes people's way of looking at things, thus coming from your own heart of words. I also developed in our website that you'll see a DCBStrategies.com, a Wednesday Weekly Wisdom based around a word.
I've developed over 100 of these over the years. You can sign up by going to DCBStrategies.com and sign up for the Wednesday Weekly Wisdoms. Every morning at 5:33 AM Pacific Standard Time, you will receive in your inbox a word. That word will be surrounded by 5 to 6 quotes based on that word, the power of words, the choice that we can use to change our day. Over 100 words and over 500 quotes in years, here's one of my favorites. I did this on January 6th of 2021. It's the word learn. “The capacity to learn is a gift. The ability to learn is a skill. The willingness to learn is a choice.” It's one of my favorite words. The person who stops learning stops living. The word learn was my power guide for that week. If you tune in to the Wednesday Weekly Wisdoms and that Wednesday, you'll get your word, which you will. For the next seven days, you'll have that word to power your seven-day calendar week. Enjoy that. Let's not mince words. Let's build from words.
People are very congenial and they always ask, "How are you? How's your day? What have you been up to? It's been a long time." I've always been told it's not what people think of you, it's what you leave them to think with. When people ask me, "How are you," I say, "If I was any better, I would feel guilty." Just a few changes of words change their day. They go, "I never heard that one." They giggle and that's powerful. When you live in a world where you're grateful for everything and entitled to nothing, you tend to use the right words. When you're grateful and you give more than you get, the word of gratefulness and giving becomes part of your mantra. What a return in life you have.
At DCB Strategies with the power of self-talk, Wednesday Weekly Wisdoms, Magical Monday, we're all about raise your words, not your voice. You've heard people raise their voice but those who speak with powerful words and almost a whisper gained the most attention. Do that to yourself. Do that with yourself. Don't yell at yourself. Be calm and collected. Choose your word of progress and word that fire up the deliberate side of your brain. What we say is what we get. Those are all replays in our brain. If you start replaying that in your brain about what you said yourself, you will get it. Turn it onto the right side, not the other side. One of my pals, Dr. Kevin Elko at DrElko.com, a phenomenal motivational speaker in the sports world, NFL and college sports. He’s an incredible person. He always said, "Worrying is the prayer of the things you don't want to happen." If you worry a lot, you're praying about the things you don't want to have happen or what you are telling yourself, you're going to get what you say, so watch what you worry about. Don't even use the word worry in your word selection during the day.
We are what we say. So make sure you say words that fuel your progress and growth.
One kind word can change another's day. Isn't that the truth? "I've never heard anybody say that to me before. Thank you." I'll give you an example. I have the privilege of going into a golf club. I love to golf, to meet with my buddies, comradery and the human essence of exchange of wonderful words about their life. One of the groundskeepers works so hard. In a golf club, they get to cast it as the scenery, which is unfortunate. I'm no better than them and vice versa. I walked by one of the workers who was doing a part of the groundskeeping for the golf course. I said, "Thank you very much for your hard work. It means a lot to me playing this course." One of my pals came up to me and he overheard that. He said, "I've never heard anybody say that. I'm going to start saying that to everyone who's working on our course. That changed my entire perspective. Thanks. I'm learning from that." Be courageous and share with others what they earned the right to hear. Those kind words change both of those purposes in people's day. It wasn't my purpose. It was the way I tick. The positive output gets a positive return.
Let's start winding this down a little bit. The tongue has no bones but it is strong enough to break a heart or your spirit. Choose your words wisely. Adopt a word for your day. Write it down. What's your word today? The day is not over and hours if it's left, that's going to power you through the day. Choose that powerful, positive, deliberate side of your brain word or phrase. New actions will begin to happen before you know it, which initiates new results, very giving and gifting results. Here are some action steps. If you want to incorporate energy words then use the following words for the day, the week or the project, spirit, intensity, vitality. How about productive words? Fruitful, useful, plentiful, dynamic. Strength words, force, firepower, energy. Action words, walk, exercise, speak, converse. Peaceful words, restful, serene, hushed, calm. Courageous words, tenacity, fearless, grit, endurance. I'll give you one other set. Loving words, devoted, fond, attached, caring.
Those are some examples of how you set yourself up to pick a word. You can be very creative. If you're unhappy, you're less likely to be creative so you've got to use the right mindset to be happy, creative, and think of words. Get the word that creates the mindset that creates the happy hormones to then utilize a word for that day or for that week. Adopt it. It's yours. Everything around it works around that word. You will initiate this habit and you will love the results. I encourage you to start your day with a positive thought in the morning and change your whole day. Start your day with inspiring words if it's all about inspiration. Those words can be ambition, confidence, courage, dare, commitment.
The whole premise of DCB Strategies is built around three when I think of our life-changing words. Those words of decide, commit, become are so powerful in many different directions. I'm deciding to adopt a courage word every day. My commitment and the word of the day is grit. I am saying this word to myself at least fifteen times throughout the day. Those are my actions and new habits. It's part of my commitment. The become, which is the result of me saying grit fifteen times a day, already fills my brain opening up to that word. That word is fulfilling and I can't wait to do this again but I'm not going to rinse and repeat, rinse and evolve and do a bigger word. We can repeat success and the deliberate side of the brain and triggering it with powerful words.
Thank you for your time. It's been a huge pleasure to unravel one of life's free simplicities of a gift, which is a choice of words. Use them wisely. Plant those seeds every day every week and your deliberate side of your brain will be so much on your side to reward you towards the big and bold goals that you've earned. If you wanted to know more and utilize more opportunities for using words, go to DCBStrategies.com or email me at Podcast@DCBStrategies.com. I'd love to chat with you, catch up with you and talk about the power of words in your professional and personal growth direction. As I always say to everyone at the end of the day at the end of the conversation, thank you for your time. Stay passionate, stay healthy and make it a great one.